Monday, September 20, 2010

The Welsh Revival.

I just got done reading, "The World Aflame" by Rick Joyner for class; it is a book all about the Welsh Revival. It was so amazing to hear all the amazing stories from that revival. It really spurred me to cry out for even more of God than I ever have before. If you want to be super inspired as well as learn about the history of the revival I would totally suggest reading the book.

There are so many amazing things that happened during the Welsh Revival but two stories that really hit me hard are as follows. First, there is a story about Evan Robert's (the leader of the revival)Mother and how she left a service before it was over to go and get some sleep, when Evan eventually got home he found his mother in so much physical agony because she felt so convicted she couldn't simply wait on God long enough. Man, to have such a desire for His presence that you neglect necessities, that is what I call desperation!

Another story is about the Welsh Rugby team, which was pretty much the big thing that everyone followed (compare to the NFL in America), eventually they stopped competing because all the players got radically saved and all they wanted to do was spend time in His presence that they completely forgot about the sport all together. Can you imagine the players on our NFL teams getting so radically saved and moved by the spirit that they just forget to compete because they are spending their time in His presence crazy would that be!

Here are some quotes from the book:

"A revival is something like a revolution, it is apt to be wonderfully catching." (RJ)

"Bend the church and save the world." (Evan Roberts)

"Our intercession must be for intimacy with Him, and then with Him for His purposes." (RJ)

"Prayer is not used to change the mind of the Lord as much as it is used to bring us into one mind with Him." (RJ)

"Those who are controlled by fear will be the most threatened by anyone whom they cannot control through intimidation." (RJ)

"When we know that we are known by God, we will not be overly concerned about what anyone else thinks of us." (RJ)

"Those who allow themselves to be emptied, who lay aside all personal ambition to become of no reputation, who patiently suffer rejection and misunderstanding, will soon stir the entire world with the King's message." (RJ)

Peace. Love. Joy.

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