Monday, November 23, 2009


I write this knowing some people will take this as me judging... but I am not trying to judge, I am just trying to say what is on my heart. I think sometimes, in the Church, we only want to hear the "nice" things and whenever someone says something that offends us, we immediately mark is off as judgment. In my opinion, if you look throughout the Bible God constantly offended people by calling them out on their religous idiocy so to speak. I don't know about you, but I want God to offend me, I love when He offends me, because it shows me where I have gone wrong and where He can come and shed light. My pursuit in this life is to be just like Him, and if He must come and offend me to make me more and more like Him, then heck everything inside of me is all for Him offending.

So, now to my point....
Lately, I have been so riveted and sombered by the lack of discernment in the Body of Christ. It seems, so many people just go with the motions, without every really stopping and looking at what exactly is happening.
We get so caught up in what we think revival is going to look like, and then whenever what we think it's going to look like happens, we quickly jump on a band wagon, most of us with very good intentions. But, have you ever just stopped and said, "Jesus, I want you to define Revival!" I think so often we end up boxing God in without knowing it because in our minds we paint this picture of what it looks like. We say people out in the Holy Ghost is Revival, and yes, I am very much sure that is part of it. But, why can't revival also be apart of the quiet and peaceful moments when God literally just comes and shakes up our ideologies? Or, why can't it be when we are in the supermarket and we see a need and begin to pray for someone? Why can't that be Revival?

I think so often when we see someone who is prophetic, or healing, or doing signs and wonders, we run to them without any discretion, forgetting that the Bible says that those who know nothing about Jesus are going to be able to do the very same things. Now, we all know that these very things are the things we are to walk in, and rightly so. We are called to bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth, through the signs, the wonders and the miracles. But, we must be ever careful of the band wagons we jump on without asking God if it is even Him.

Guys, there are two worlds....a light one and the dark one, and they are both very supernatural. Especially, in the days we are living we must be able to discern the difference and press into the light. And through Jesus and Jesus alone see those signs, wonders, and miracles!

Anywayz, I hope I expressed myself well, and you understand. If not, I am sorry, I certainly tried.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Authenticity of His love.

This is an exerpt from One Tree Hill last episode, it's between one of the main characters and a young boy at a young kids home....
Clay-"Nice shot! You got another one of those?" (as the boy shoots the ball)
"You got an agent?"
Boy-"I don't need your charity today."
Clay-"You got a name?"
(as they begin to play some ball together)
Boy- "I know what you're doing, you're letting the poor kid win. That's what you all do, show up, volunteer for a few hours, make yourselves feel good about whatever."

This really portrayed to me the issue of love and kindness to others.
The truth is, anyone, and everyone can lend a helping hand.
Those who believe in Jesus and those who do not....not even a bit.

So what is the defining factor that separates us (the Christians) from the others?
It's love.
and Yes, the world can love. But, their love can only go so far, it's just human love. It's nothing supernatural.
We have this love. This supernatural love that extends past the world's mindsets and leaps right into their very hearts. It goes beyond their thinking. It's truly unexplainable.
The reason?
Because, it is supernatural. It's Jesus' love. A love no man could touch.

My point,
that the world knows what is real, what is authentic.
We must tap into the realness of who Jesus is, His love,
and use that to effect those around us, those hurting, those lost.
We literally have the key to transforms lives, and in turn transform a nation; a world....
just, simply with His


Saturday, November 7, 2009


It plays some kind of role in most of our lives.
From the littlest things, to the biggest.

I, personally, have allowed fear to stop me from doing so much.
I have allowed it to tell me, I can't.
But, the truth is I can.
And, I will.

I have concluded, that everything that I am fearful of,
due to past hurts, I will no longer let it stop me.
When I am faced with a circumstance to be afraid of,
I am going to just Jump,
and do it.

Fear is ridiculous,
and has nothing on me.

I will dream.
I will fly.
Fear won't be able to do anything about it either.

Just inner ramblings.

Peace. Love. Joy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Isaiah 1:17

"Seek justice,
encourage the opressed.
Defend the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow."

I want this verse to mark my life.

I want Jesus to:
Help me to see injustice,
so I can seek justice.
Help me to see the oppressed,
so I can encourage them.
Help me to see the fatherless,
so I can defend their cause.
Help me to see the widow,
so I can plead her case.

It's all about our eyes being open. There are people all around us. Crying out. Crying for that one person to fight for justice in their unjust circumstance. They want just one person to tell them they are special and that their life does have value. They want someone to come alongside them, when they have no earthly father to fight for them.

The awesome thing is we can be that person.
All we have to do is open our eyes to the people,
the lives all around us,

Everyone has a story.
So, Jesus...
open my eyes to the countless stories that surround me on a daily basis.
I want to be apart of those stories.
To be the essence of Your kingdom,
of who You are,
on this earth.
