Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sing for the beauty that is yet to be found.

Today was the second day of BSSM.....
it seriously amazes me the promises of God.

He has never ever failed me, yet still I can doubt His faithfulness so much.

After a hard day yesterday with a lot of emotion, today was refreshing.
I have to say I have NEVER felt the presence of God as I did today in worship.
His love was so intense in the atmosphere.
I could literally feel Him squeezing me...
squeezing out all anxiety....
squeezing out all fear.
Replacing it all with His outrageous love that no man could ever manufacture.
It was so extravagantly beautiful.

In those moments of experiencing His rich, tangible love I realized all my freight was so useless. It got me nowhere, just in a big mind mess, that I literally thought myself into.

Man, oh man is He faithful.
It's hard to even describe His faithfulness...
He seriously is so gentle and loving in the midst of my issues.
It amazes me day by day.
He never has once left me....even when I have decided to rely on my self instead of Him (resulting in bad haha...since I cannot help myself...only He can)

I am so excited for these next 9 months of Him teaching me and stretching me in areas.
But, more than anything, I am excited to experience even more of His heart; His love, His faithfulness.

This one goes to the beauty that is yet to be discovered in this season....
I am stoked!! :)

Peace. Love. Joy.

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