Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nicaragua 2010 (10th trip!!) Day #1 update! ;) Woop!

It's the morning of my second day here in the beautiful land of Nicaragua.
I decided that for this trip I would blog day by day as to what God is doing :)

Yesterday was an absolutely crazy travel day! We were supposed to leave the Reagan Airport at around 6:30, but we were left sitting on the plane before being told the oil filter light was on and we had to de-board the plane, go to baggage claim, get our bags, then go through check-in all over again. Once, we got back to the check-in area there were tons of people, plus a whole plane having to re-book flights. It was so crazy, but we had amazing grace to get through it and we had such favor the whole trip!

I think God uses the things that Satan wants to discourage us with for His Kingdom when we submit to Him thankfulness. It would have been so easy for the whole team to be upset, annoyed, but instead we kept a joyful heart and just kept going. Through being delayed until 3:30 to leave D.C. we had a lot of time to waste...obviously. So, we went to a little eatery in the airport, and of course there was those divine Jesus moments. This lady sitting near by us overheard my Dad on the phone, and asked, "so, why are you guys going to Nicaragua?" It was an opportunity to share the very heart of Jesus...and it was brilliant. Finally, when we were about to board the plane I ran down to Dunkin Donuts, due to being completely exhausted and got my iced coffee fix ;) haha I got to talk to the lady and ask her how her day was going, how she liked her job etc.

In those moments I feel Jesus so alive and brilliant. Man, he cares so much about people, about their days, about how they are doing. It amazes me His brilliant love for every single person on this planet even if people don't even recognize Him being a real being. IN those moments, I see the love of God displayed in such a way, through the simplest act comes this brilliant, heart throbbing aspect of love that no man could ever truly explain. Outrageous.

Today, we are off to Karla's orphanage; so excited! Then we will be going to a church service tonight, which we all have to share at, so be praying for us; that the very heart of God for this beautiful people would manifest brilliantly. :)


On the way here yesterday God really began to deal with me on pride, it's amazing how the littlest things we never notice can be so prideful. I began to just cry out to God for a humility that goes into the very depth and fiber of my being. This morning I was reminded of the verse, "humility comes before honor." Sheeesh, that is powerful. I want to be so very humble before Him, my Abba. I truly believe that from that place of humility people see Jesus in a whole new light in our lives, because it's no longer about us, AT ALL, but it's all about HIM! Ahhh so beautiful!


I'll be updating this daily so check back, I hope our testimonies build your faith and empower you to step out and bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth.

Your prayers are so appreciated! I pray that we access the very heart of God on this trip, that we don't just change other lives, but that we go back to America, literally changed ourselves!

Peace. Love. Joy.