Monday, August 3, 2009

Why is it?

Why is it?
That we chase people...
that we allow them to define us.
And not just in the world,
in the church.

Why is is that we make celebrities out of preachers?
out of worship leaders?
out of ministries?

Why is is that we can say this worship is better than that worship..
or that ministry is better than this ministry?

We end up worshiping a particular worship leader...
a particular preacher...
a particular ministry.

When did it become about them,
and not God.
When did we decide we could say one ministry is better than another..
it's not even their ministry to begin with.

We go around, usually with good intentions...
and we can become so obsessed with people.
We end up looking just like the world.
Just in our own little box.

And, I think we miss out on another person's gifting or anointing..
because we keep our focus on one thing..
on one person...
one ministry.

Why is it that we do that?

Why can't we just simply be obsessed with
the ultimate,
Why can't HE define us?
After all, HE has got the best ministry around.
Peace. Love. Joy.

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