Thursday, August 20, 2009


Summer to me usually ends a season of life, and it usually ends with a particular theme.
In one word, I would sum up this summer as bittersweet.
Bitter, because it was probably one of the worst summer's of my life. & yes, I can honestly say that.
Sweet, because in the midst of some of the most hard and depressing days of my life my Jesus took me through a process. He slowed down life, showed me the simple things, the things about Himself.
I saw Jesus when all the nicey, nice stuff was gone. When all the self righteousness and pride we make Him to be is gone...just who He REALLY was.

Jesus became simple to me. HE showed me that christianity really isn't all the work we make it to be. It isn't about proving ourselves and our love for Jesus to others. We make it that though...we create this movement of show, and then label it "Jesus". But Jesus just dosen't care much about our "show", HE just wants us to love HIM, plain and simple. TO stop working at it. We make what HE calls plain and simple, so complicated when we create an atmosphere and christianity around us of self righteousness & pride.

Jesus became simple to me. When everything we build up and make HIM to be is stripped away and it is just HIM, and us. SIMPLE. SO BEAUTIFUL.

Now, as summer winds down and the next "season" begins, I pray it won't be as hard. But also, that the Jesus I came to know wouldn't leave my mind. That the simple things about HIM will forever stay etched on my heart. That I won't stray away from the simple.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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