Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It's this complex place in my heart.

It's funny how when you leave home, and come back you realize the beauty of it you never saw before.
The little things about your hometown you took for granted.

For instance, I never realized how much I loved downtown Frederick, until I left home and then came back to it. And, now, it may be one of my favorite places in this world.

Then, comes the "family" aspect of home.
The beautiful intricacy of family.

It's this raw, real place.
At least for me.
I don't wear any mask...not saying I do everywhere else,
I certainly try to be "raw" and real everywhere.
But, I think there is this certain "me" that can only come out at home.
Maybe it's because you're around people who know your story, and know you better then most?
I am not sure.
All, I know is I have come to find out that the aspect of "family" that makes home, home, is truly wonderful in a hard way.

I find it's when I am "home" that I realize more than ever how much I have grown, as well as how much I need to grow.
There is something so special about being home, that allows these two opposites to come out in flying colors.
It's this wonderful tension.

Well, that may have made no sense at all.
But, it's what was on my heart :) haha.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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