Thursday, November 4, 2010


Have you ever stopped and wondered at its glorious complexity?
How do all these different instruments create these sounds?
And, how is it that there are so many sounds to be created?
It's as if the combinations never end.

It has the ability to move your spirit..your soul...and even your body.
It's the thing we run to in joy.
It's the thing we run to in sadness.
And, even when we are angry.

It's this haven of understanding...
as if all the instruments creating this one, unifying sound,
can identify with where we are at and what we are feeling.

It brings peace.
It brings relief.
It brings comfort.
It's emotion at it's best.

I don't know about you...
but boy am I happy God decided to bring music into our worlds.
And, more so that He let's us join with Him in creating sounds that have yet to be heard.
Sounds that will move hearts.
Sounds that will break through walls on the inside of us.
Sounds that will transform our very lives.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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