Monday, October 18, 2010

"You've got that kind of face that defies gravity...."

Sorry it's been awhile, been super busy with homework and just life in general.

We finished Beni Johnson's book, The Happy Intercessor, and this is one of my favorite quotes from it:

"When I spend time in the secret place, alone with God, I become so wrapped up in His presence that every other desire loses its importance to me. When I allow His presence to consume me I surrender myself so completely to His will that my desires begin to line up with His. I become fully engulfed in His presence, lost in a sea of His beauty, and captivated by His love. In that place is the fullness of joy, the fullness of peace, the fullness of love, and the fullness of aceptance. In that place, I become one with Him."

I am learning more than ever the importance and necessity of intimacy with Him. I find myself yearning more and more to know His heart and exactly what He is speaking. To not strive for relationship with Him, but instead she "be."

I find myself more and more being lured to this place of rest with Him. In that place is certainly the fullness of all Beni speaks of; joy, peace, love, and acceptance. I get so lost in that place with Him, it's hard sometimes to walk out of it...I can't say I don't like that feeling though.

It's a beautiful thing...
not striving.
But, just simply "being".

In the words of the great J Upton":
"If I could see Your face, I think You'd smile at me. You've got that kind of face that defies gravity. You're too much, you're too much for me."

The more I spend time with Him and taste of His goodness, the more I realize He is just too much. :)

Enjoy His presence people. He loves when you spend time with Him. He desires to share the secrets of His heart with you. How insanely amazing is that?!

It blows my mind.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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