Monday, October 25, 2010


I realized something the other day.
What I am experiencing here, is the very opposite of what I thought.

I thought that I was coming to a place, where I had to be "perfect" in a sense...
because then, and only then could I be this "super charged miracle worker."

I came though, and realized, it's the very opposite.
My heart is being healed and is coming alive with Jesus.
He is drawing me into an intimacy I have never known.

It's all about the process my friends.
The process is what it's about.
I am in a process.
Jesus is doing so much in my heart.

I don't have to perform.
I don't have to be this "super charged miracle worker."
I just need to be intimate with Him.
I need to constantly be aware of His presence.
To gaze upon Him at any given moment--because it's in that place of intimacy with Him, that all else flows.

As long as I simply turn my affection towards Him, I don't have to worry or strive for the rest. It simply comes.

So, if you ask what I am "working" at?
I am working at not working at all.
I am working at intimacy...and just "being."

If I could give you one tip for life...I would say, embrace the process, and love it.
It's what life is all about.

Peace. Love. Joy.

"When we begin to serve God for the praise of man or to find identity in what we do, no matter how great the call of God is on our lives, no matter how powerful the gifts or the anointing flow in our ministry, that underlying attitude of self-love can begin to produce a hidden resentment and anger, fueled by a fear of rejection and a fear of failure. As soon as our service is no longer motivated by God's love, but by a need to be needed or seen, we begin to drift away from Father's heart of compassion, and we will soon find ourselves in the older brother's shoes, slaving in the fields and thinking all along that we dwell in His house of love." (Jack Frost--Experiencing Father's Embrace)

I suggest reading that book by the way--your life will be changed. Hands Down.

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