Friday, July 15, 2011

To becoming a daughter :)

Recently, God's been really ingraining in me identity without a need to prove myself.

He took me to the passage of scripture in Matthew 4 where Jesus is in the desert and Satan is tempting him. In verse 6 the enemy says, "If you are the son of God throw yourself down." (speaking of Jesus standing on the highest point of the temple). We all know that Jesus then replies, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

What exactly is Jesus being tempted with in this verse? Satan was tempting Jesus to prove who He WAS by what He could DO.
How often does that play out in our own lives today?
The constant battle of proving oneself by what we do instead of simply abiding in Abba as sons/daughters...that being what our identity is rooted in, nothing else.

I am in that process right now, of not only knowing in my head who I am (HIS),
but knowing in my heart, and literally living from that place.
Living from a place of truly being a daughter, and not even having to prove it...just being.
Ahh, just saying that makes me feel so alive!
We were created to simply "be" in Him, not have to prove our identity.
I want to live as I was created to.

I love that Jesus knew who He was, that He didn't have to prove one thing to Satan..
such a beautiful picture of how we should live.
To abiding in Abba...
ohh the bliss :)

Peace. Love. Joy.

1 comment:

emmanuel F. said...

okay,i m a sucker for simplicity and this is simply a great input, i have been thinking about that way of being part of the family, but i couldn't find the word to quite explain because it was still not well put in my head. that 's very encouraging. To think that we have already been told by God who we are, but yet many of us struggle to prove instead of letting God being the father first and foremost..i m still