Saturday, July 30, 2011

An ode to 'love'.

What is love?
Is love something that "happens" to you, an expression which you feel all of a sudden,
or is it merely a choice?

In theory if it were this euphoric, out of nowhere happening,
then I guess I could see how it would simply vanish,
leaving one with an excuse,"I just don't love you anymore."

If it were, in theory of course, a choice,
then would one really have an excuse for stopping to love?
A valid excuse at least....
Their only excuse would be, "I simply chose to not love you anymore."

It's an interesting thing, love.
A fickle thing.
A tossed around thing.
A popular thing. (at least to those who have made up their own definition of it)

What is love exactly?
And, if we knew it in its entirety,
the good...and the ugly,
would we still throw it around as if it were some kind of soccer ball?
Or would we really treat it as a weighty thing, and guard it, as well as be intentional with it?

Oh, to experience this thing we call 'love' in it's vastness.....

Peace. Love. Joy.

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