Friday, July 24, 2009


It's a hard thing.
It's a bitter thing.
I don't think anyone quite fully understands it.
It usually leaves us asking, "why?"

Last night a tragedy hit.
An amazing man's life was taken away from this world.
A man who caused laughter and smiles to spread throughout a room.
He was a Husband, a Father, and a friend-to all who knew him.
When times got hard he never stopped spreading joy.
He was always bright and cheery.
I think he could probably make the grumpiest person alive smile.

I look back on the recent memories I have of his life, and just thinking about them makes me picture Jesus with a huge smile on His face.

I remember when I asked for volunteers to help with a conference. After church was let out people came flooding out, passing the sign up table. I was so discouraged, but then came Mr. Booth with a huge smile on his face and he uttered these words, "What can I do to help?" In those couple minutes he quickly became, "Mr. Booth, the leader of the Merchandise Table."

I remember walking through the Barrios of Nicaragua evangelizing. While the rest of the team huddled around one person at a time-Mr. Booth turned around, looked at the woman walking down the street, the little child riding his bicycle, and the countless taxi drivers that drove by us. He proceeded to speak the very little Spanish he know, and hand them a track. I can just see Jesus now saying, "My son do you know the lives that were changed that day? The souls that were saved because you decided to reach out and love them?"

I even remember the time he stared at me with eyes wide, jaw dropped when I told him I wanted to marry a gaged eared, tattooed, Irish man. He couldn't believe I would find such a guy attractive. I still remember in his English accent, he looked at me and said, "Oh my Brianna" and proceeded to laugh.

So, today I sit in a world without Mr. Niall Booth. Even in the confusion of asking "why?", I just think of these memories and how Jesus must be shouting, "Well done my good and faithful servant", as Mr. Booth runs out dancing upon the streets of gold, praising His beautiful Jesus (and probably telling a few jokes to the guy next to him as well). Knowing that his Abba is taking care of all us down here, and one day he will be dancing on those golden streets with his beautiful wife, and his precious children.


siobhangeeslin said...

Brianna this is so well written... He was such an encouragement to me and everyone around him. We will see him soon. He is definatley in a great place!

Becca said...

This was awesome. I will say, I haven't known him long or very well, but he gave his testimony in church one day. He said that because we know Jesus, we will always have hope and his words were what I needed during a difficult time. He will be missed, but I am thankful that God let me meet him.

Caitlin Elizabeth said...

wow bri. This is so powerful. I got tears in my eyes. Shew. What a beautiful person.