Friday, November 25, 2011


Thanksgiving is the time everyone whips out the list of things they are thankful for, which is so lovely in so many aspects. At the risk of being super cliche I am going to try to express my gratitude for so many different things in my life right now. In all honesty, I try to wake up every morning and tell Abba, something, because there is always something, for which I am thankful. I am so very thankful (no pun intended haha), for a holiday where we can spend time with family and friends and express the deep things we are grateful for. I think though, making a lifestyle of thankfulness can be totally life changing, and I hope that I can live the rest of my life with that being a core value of mine.

With that being said, some things I am presently thankful for, and totally in awe of my Abba for:
-Transition and "muddy" times that bring people closer, and show an intimate part of my Abba's character I wouldn't have experienced otherwise.
-A mother who loves, and has taught me so much about simply being "me" and loving it.
-A father who despite mistakes, has shown me you can still answer the call of God on your life. You can still set in motion a movement. And, most important, you can still change lives.
-An inheritance stored up internally, as well as external.
-My ancestors, who were some of the most incredible people. My Grandfathers, who combined did some of the most amazing things, impacted the world, and influenced the influential in every sense of the word. My Grandmother's who were complete trailblazers for women. They are fighters. And, they too have experienced so many monumental things. It makes me realize I've got some pretty amazing people backing up my dreams, and visions. It reminds me constantly, that I can DO everything I set out to do.
-Seth Godin, and his brilliant thoughts.
-David Brooks, and his brilliant thoughts. (ha.)
-My siblings. Whom, each teach me a different aspect of life. One, that shows me how to live deeply. One, that shows me how to live joyfully. And, one who shows me how to live in wisdom and deep thought.
-The countless, amazing friends, whom in times of hardship have proved time and time again, that they truly define the word. "friend."
-The art of fashion, with which I can express to the world the creator that lives on the inside of me.
-The most lovely amazing people around the globe who are homeless, destitute, hurting, and victimized. They've taught me about love, and about what exactly makes up a "beautiful person." They've shown me apart of Abba's heart, that my heart can now beat in tune with--justice.
-The people of Nicaragua, whom since age 8, have continually portrayed to me what loving Jesus is all about. A sacrificial, whole hearted love to Abba.
-For getting to dream, and getting to see those dreams realized.
-Mia Hamm, Jon Foreman, Tom DeLonge, Kelly Cutrone, Lauren Conrad, Coco Chanel, DVF, Thoreau, Queen Victoria, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush....all of which have inspired me in some form or fashion through my life thus far.
-And, last, but most important, my beautiful Abba, who is the heartbeat behind all of the above. He has been so very faithful, more so than any human. He has shown me what it means to love. What it means to carry joy. What it means to go through the winters of life. And, what His grace is truly all about.

I am thankful that everyday there is something new to be thankful for.
That, again, just points to the brilliance, that is my Abba.

I am blessed.
I am loved beyond belief.
And, my default place shall always be: a much loved daughter.

To Thanksgiving....

Peace. Love. Joy.

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