Friday, September 23, 2011

Real Rest.

I think one of my strengths is that of being able to be busy and have grace for it. I have an ability to be a workaholic, and not allow it to overwhelm me...or at least I thought. This probably stems from the fact I grew up in a home with parents who work their butts off, and take on way more than the average person would dream about doing. So, in a way I grew up knowing what it was like to have so much going on in your schedule.

Last year, I spent 9 months in a very life changing place. I learned a lot about my heart, about life, and a lot about rest. Life slowed down for me, and I had plenty of time to spend with friends, but also plenty of down time. I soon fell in love with my down times, of not having to do anything but read, write, and even catch up on the latest blockbusters. I would look forward to it, and I learned that this place of rest was what charged me for living life alive.

I came home, started a new season of life, and jumped right into a 45 hour work week (sometimes 60 depending on the week), on top of college. It was an extreme shock at first, not having the ability to unwind at all. The first couple weeks, I was a mess adjusting back to this pace of life. But, soon it got quite normal again, and I even questioned taking on more (I know! I am crazy!)

I began to get swept up in the "workaholic american dream". The ability to have no life, live off of dozens of cups a coffee a day, have no time for real, deep relationships, and make lots of money.

I came to a conclusion though, through many amazing friends, and a quite brilliant sister, that it really wasn't worth it. Yes, I have things I need to pay for (college--debt sucks, therefore I won't be participating in it!), but living life NOW is so much more important. Yes, I can work my life away--I am quite capable of it, I assure you. But, at the end of my life when I look back will it have been worth it? I think not. I would have no real friendships, no fun moments, and no pleasant thoughts of my restful times spent in solace.

I want to look back on my life one day and know I lived it to the ultimate fullest. I had so much fun, I worked hard, but I also rested much. That is what I want. So from now on, rest will be scheduled into my planner, for it is the "bliss" of life, and the thing that makes life, well, life.

At the end of the day, I want to live life alive. That is the bottom line.

Soooo, here is to embracing rest. AND, making sure I do.
Hooray for life.
Peace. Love. Joy.

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