Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's just have fun.

I'm discovering what it really means to live like a child. Completely abandoned to living life alive.
It's interesting how free we are as kids, and once we grow up the pressures of life...what we should become, what is expected of us, paying for bills etc., it can totally overshadow life in general.

Lately, I've been waking up and saying, "this can not be my life." As much as I say it jokingly, I really have been pondering this very thing with Jesus. I am finding I hate repition (which is probably why I am a fashion major) I need adventure, excitement, new challenges. It's hard for me to wake up and go through the same 'ol routine every day--it drains me, and sucks the life right from me.

Alas, I find myself in a season where there is much repition involved. So the only thing I've been faced with doing, is figuring out how to make it exciting ;) I am around kids a lot, so I get to observe them. They are very matter of fact. Their imaginations run wild. They don't think about what tomorrow holds, they are all in the moment. It doesn't matter what is going on, they tend to choose fun above all.

Then, I started thinking about Marilyn Monroe, and how she was noted as being "fun". This very thing is why she is still so prominent in our culture years after her being gone.

I can choose to be stressed, overwhelmed, working tirelessly to try and figure out the "pefect" plan for my life. Or, I can have some fun, jump at every adventure, and discover all there is to find in this beautiful world....and, trust that the rest is all going to be sorted out by Abba.

So, here is to a new journey of implementing fun in every aspect of my endless adventures, and trying some new and crazy things!

Gracias, Marilyn.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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