This morning, while I was in Virginia Beach visiting some hecka awesome friends, we decided to wake up and go see the sun rise; one of my favorite things to do when I am near the ocean. Although, it's early, I have had some of the most profound times with my Abba just watching that sun rise while hearing the waves crash.
You sit there and it blows your mind. The sky, the colors, the water...our Abba. Like, how amazing is it that each and everday He literally paints the sky just for us! CRAZY! It blows my mind. He orchastrates everything so wonderfully and perfect and He has a hay day just painting away to create the sky everyday. I automatically get this picture of a crazy artist in my head, just taking tons of paint and just going crazy, yet creating something so intricate and beautiful; and every single day it coming out completely different. I love Him for so much. But, I find the simplicest things make me go crazy about Him. :)
I think one year I want to make it a point, that wherever I am I wake up every single day for a year to see the sun rise and document it...wouldn't that be so amazing?
"The mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth." (Psalm 50:1-3)
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