In this past year God has really processed me and brought parts of my identity to my attention I either suppressed or never knew was apart of me.
It's crazy how in life, especially in the church world we create this idea of who we should be, and what we should do. We create a formula for holiness. A job description that holiness entails. I think in the midst of a religious mindset we suppress parts of our identity because we don't feel like it's what the religious system wants for us. But, what if that very process of being what everyone else expects of us hinders parts of our identity Jesus has placed inside of us?
I think up until the beginning of this year I have allowed this to happen in my own life. I think in a lot of ways I was self righteous in my early teens, and I think it mostly stemmed from being zealous in the midst of immaturity. Thus, not having wisdom. Anyways, that's a bunny trail haha :p
The point is this, in the past year parts of me have come out I never knew existed. But, it only came to the surface once I stopped caring what people thought and wanted from me in order to be considered this "holy" person. It came when I said, "Jesus, I want YOU. Period. I want YOU to define me. Not people. Not the world."
All of a sudden so many things I never even cared about became so interesting and part of me. Nothing, of course, take the place of Jesus. But, certain passions inside of me came to life that I never knew existed.
I know since I was younger I have always been drawn to Hollywood and all that it entails. Mostly the people. But loving and caring for people in Hollywood isn't usually something the church goes..."ahh! Wow! You've hit the jack pot there." Most people will (and have) laugh at in your face when you say you are praying for so and so in Hollywood. They see no point. And, that's okay. But, I let that thinking suppress something inside of me. In the past year though Jesus has really brought that back to life. And, no matter your opinion on the subject, I do pray for Hollywood almost every day. I believe that there will be massive revival there and lives will be changed globally through it.
I also have come to love fashion. Something, I never knew existed inside of me. But, I do, I love fashion. It may seem materialistic to you...but to me, I think it's an aspect of creativity that Jesus placed inside of me. No, it won't change my life, only Jesus will, but I can still express myself through the art of clothes and Jesus loves it...because, it's how He made me.
I think it's the little things that make us who we are that we call insignificant. We try to create this picture perfect idea of a "Christian" and we lose part of who we are in the process.
So, I charge you guys submit who you are to Jesus not man and allow the little tiny details and passions that make you who you are come out! Jesus loves it and HE placed it in you from the beginning of time. Embrace it. It's who you ARE.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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