Have you ever thought of the importance of beauty that is placed on our culture?
Recently, I have been realizing how insane it is.
Everyone has an opinion about your weight, your hair, your face etc.
It gets completely ridiculous.
We try to live up to these standards that aren't even real.
We have become such a self absorbed society.
It really does make me sad.
We will go to such extreme lengths in this country to be considered beautiful.
We are told in our society we have to be this and we have to be that...
but who said they make the rules?
Why can't we define beauty?
I think it takes courage to define beauty for yourself.
It means coming out of the norm.
It means facing your fears straight in the eyes.
And, more than anything it means confronting truth.
I would charge you to be different.
Define beauty for yourself.
And, more importantly stop and realize every single day beauty is available to be seen all around you.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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