"Maybe the accelerating digital network is not the best soil for the human soul. I want to live with deeper roots even it it means a slower means of travel. Maybe I could spend a little more time in the garden and a little less time in the fast lane. I'm pretty sure that we could all use a little more dirt underneath our fingernails." (Jon Foreman) [Read the rest of this amazing article at, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jon-foreman/the-economy-of-the-garden_b_677770.html]
"Don't go to Hollywood and compromise to get higher and then have a voice. Live uncompromised and allow God to supernaturally promote you." (Lou Engle-paraphrased)
"Our mind is either being renewed or its at war with God. There is no middle ground." (Bill Johnson)
"If you don't have your mind on the ultimate, you'll be driven by the immediate."
"The Holy Spirit is in every believer, but the Holy Spirit does not rest on every believer."
"I will praise you forever for what YOU have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise YOU in the presence of your saints." (Psalm 52:9)
Peace. Love. Joy.
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