As you probably already know, if you've read any of my blogs, I love Hollywood and believe each and every individual included in that category has got huge destiny's and I believe God loves them outrageously!
Katy Perry, as most of you know, was raised in a Pastor's home and released a Christian album before going over into the secular arena (which, there is nothing wrong with that in general terms at all) and became famous for, "I Kissed A Girl". Next thing we knew the whole world was asking, "who is Katy Perry?" We came to find out about her time in the Christian music world and so on and so forth.
Her newest CD just came out and I was curious to see what the songs were like as I had heard that some of them were very deep and not as "pop-ey" so to speak. My eldest sister and I, have in the past few months been talking about how we believe Katy Perry is going to come back to Jesus and use her platform to influence the world with the love of Jesus! Soo, in all my curiousity I browsed through her new songs, and came upon a song called, "Who Am I Living For?" I thought, "hmm, this could be interesting!" Since the demo of the song was only 30 seconds long, I looked up the lyrics and to my utter amazement and excitement I found these lyrics:
Yeah eh yeah yeah
I can feel a phoenix inside of me
As I march alone to a different beat
Slowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeah
I am ready for the road less traveled
Suiting up for my crowning battle
This test is my own cross to bear
But i will get there
It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called
Standing on the front line when the bombs start to fall
I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames
Calling out my name
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am i living for?
I can feel this light that's inside of me
Growing fast into a bolt of lightning
I know one spark will shock the world, yeah yeah
So i pray for a favor like Esther
I need your strength to handle the pressure
I know there will be sacrifice
But that's the price
It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called
Standing on the front line when the bombs start to fall
I can see the heavens but i still hear the flames
Calling out my name
I can see the writing on the wall
HECK YESS! God's got her! =)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Fashion at the 2010 Emmys.
Awards shows always present a wonderful opportunity of examining the wonderful fashion choices.
Here are my top 5 favorites of the night(this was hard, as there were a lot of beautiful dresses on that carpet last night):

(Nina Dobrev in a silk Zuhair Murad dress)

(Rose Byrne in Gucci)

(Emily Deschanel in Max Azria Atelier)

(Claire Danes in Armani Prive)

(Kim Kardashian in a Marchesa dress)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Here are my top 5 favorites of the night(this was hard, as there were a lot of beautiful dresses on that carpet last night):

(Nina Dobrev in a silk Zuhair Murad dress)

(Rose Byrne in Gucci)

(Emily Deschanel in Max Azria Atelier)

(Claire Danes in Armani Prive)

(Kim Kardashian in a Marchesa dress)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fall 2010 trends and must haves.
This Fall there are so many awesome things trending! Fall is by far my favorite season; the colors, the weather, and the fashion are the best ;)
Must haves:
Military Trend

(this is an AE miltary jacket-$49.50)
The Jegging

(AE Soft Jegging-$39.50)
The Boyfriend Blazer

(LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls- $41.99)
The Leather Jacket

(LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls-$49.99)
LACE Galore!

Clogs and Leg Warmers are also taking a come back this season. I don't know if I am going to jump on their bandwagons, but props to you if you do ;)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Must haves:
Military Trend

(this is an AE miltary jacket-$49.50)
The Jegging

(AE Soft Jegging-$39.50)
The Boyfriend Blazer

(LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls- $41.99)
The Leather Jacket

(LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls-$49.99)
LACE Galore!

Clogs and Leg Warmers are also taking a come back this season. I don't know if I am going to jump on their bandwagons, but props to you if you do ;)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Olsen Twins.

I don't know about you, but I thought the Olsen Twins had their minute of fame and have been long gone by now.
But, the truth is, they have been busier then ever right under our nose with two fashion lines. One, a high fashion line, the other; available at your local JcPenney.
To be honest I have always been quite intrigued by these girls, besides thinking they have always been beautiful and fashionable...for some reason, they have always just stuck out in Hollywood. I have always wondered what happened to them and what they've been up to. Between rehab stints and connections to Heath Ledger's death, I haven't heard much about them at all.
I pick up a copy of marie claire and find out completely differently. I find out they have been building their empire beneath our noses, and props to them for that!
Their high end fashion line, The Row, has several stores as well as sells online on a handful of sites, ones being Bergdorf Goodman. If you would like to check out the collection on sale at Bergdorf here is the link:
They also have a line available at JcPenney called "Olsenboye", and the link for that is, My favorite was the Emma dress...I might just go out and get it, although my closet is probably screaming "Noo!" haha I know plenty of you gals will undertstand that ;)
I guess after all these years of being in the limelight we have come to find out the Olsen Twins are quite the savvy business women, as well as rather brilliant fashionistas.
I'll leave you with a quote from the latest issue of Marie Claire, featuring Mary Kate on the cover. This quote will leave you wanting to go to your local grocery store just to read the whole story. It's worth the $3.99, promise! :)
"I would never wish my upbringing upon anyone....but I wouldn't take it back for the world."
See, told ya it would make you wanna go pick up a copy!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Monday, August 23, 2010

My beautiful Grandmother just celebrated her 90th Birthday this past weekend.
Man, 90 years of life.
90 years of experiences.
90 years of memories.
That is incredible to me.
The things she has seen, the places she has been.
The achievements of her's astounding.
So, this blog is in honor of her life.
In honor of her doing everything she could, when she had no money, to make it through college. She created a legacy for her children, and us her grandchildren, as well, as our children to come.
I love her, Margaret Shea. I am honored to be apart of her legacy and life, and respect who she is, where she has been, and what she has done.
One of her famous sayings,
"Doesn't matter what you do, as long as you love. It's all about love."
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Confronting beauty head on.

Have you ever thought of the importance of beauty that is placed on our culture?
Recently, I have been realizing how insane it is.
Everyone has an opinion about your weight, your hair, your face etc.
It gets completely ridiculous.
We try to live up to these standards that aren't even real.
We have become such a self absorbed society.
It really does make me sad.
We will go to such extreme lengths in this country to be considered beautiful.
We are told in our society we have to be this and we have to be that...
but who said they make the rules?
Why can't we define beauty?
I think it takes courage to define beauty for yourself.
It means coming out of the norm.
It means facing your fears straight in the eyes.
And, more than anything it means confronting truth.
I would charge you to be different.
Define beauty for yourself.
And, more importantly stop and realize every single day beauty is available to be seen all around you.
Peace. Love. Joy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Blake Lively.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Deeper Roots.

"Maybe the accelerating digital network is not the best soil for the human soul. I want to live with deeper roots even it it means a slower means of travel. Maybe I could spend a little more time in the garden and a little less time in the fast lane. I'm pretty sure that we could all use a little more dirt underneath our fingernails." (Jon Foreman) [Read the rest of this amazing article at,]
"Don't go to Hollywood and compromise to get higher and then have a voice. Live uncompromised and allow God to supernaturally promote you." (Lou Engle-paraphrased)
"Our mind is either being renewed or its at war with God. There is no middle ground." (Bill Johnson)
"If you don't have your mind on the ultimate, you'll be driven by the immediate."
"The Holy Spirit is in every believer, but the Holy Spirit does not rest on every believer."
"I will praise you forever for what YOU have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise YOU in the presence of your saints." (Psalm 52:9)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Monday, August 16, 2010
I have a lot of places I want to visit in this world, well actually let's be honest I pretty much want to go everywhere! haha :) BUT, one place I want to make my next destination is Greece. I just think it looks so magnificently beautiful! I am going to save up money and make is my next adventure forsure!
Here are some pictures I found on the web just to make me drool over in eager expectation until I can see it with my own eyes!!

Here are some pictures I found on the web just to make me drool over in eager expectation until I can see it with my own eyes!!

"Amazing. Just the way you are!"
I am a strong advocate of encouragement and speaking life. I think you can speak things into existence. Anywayz, I love this new song by Bruno Mars because in our constant culture of telling what girls should be and need to be, this song is so life giving and real. It kinds reminds me of something Jesus would say over us, "that we are perfect just the way we are!" :)
Enjoy! And, believe you're beautiful because afterall you were created IN THE IMAGE of the most beautiful creature ever in existence; Jesus! =)
Enjoy! And, believe you're beautiful because afterall you were created IN THE IMAGE of the most beautiful creature ever in existence; Jesus! =)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sun Rise.

This morning, while I was in Virginia Beach visiting some hecka awesome friends, we decided to wake up and go see the sun rise; one of my favorite things to do when I am near the ocean. Although, it's early, I have had some of the most profound times with my Abba just watching that sun rise while hearing the waves crash.
You sit there and it blows your mind. The sky, the colors, the water...our Abba. Like, how amazing is it that each and everday He literally paints the sky just for us! CRAZY! It blows my mind. He orchastrates everything so wonderfully and perfect and He has a hay day just painting away to create the sky everyday. I automatically get this picture of a crazy artist in my head, just taking tons of paint and just going crazy, yet creating something so intricate and beautiful; and every single day it coming out completely different. I love Him for so much. But, I find the simplicest things make me go crazy about Him. :)
I think one year I want to make it a point, that wherever I am I wake up every single day for a year to see the sun rise and document it...wouldn't that be so amazing?
"The mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth." (Psalm 50:1-3)
Thursday, August 12, 2010

In this past year God has really processed me and brought parts of my identity to my attention I either suppressed or never knew was apart of me.
It's crazy how in life, especially in the church world we create this idea of who we should be, and what we should do. We create a formula for holiness. A job description that holiness entails. I think in the midst of a religious mindset we suppress parts of our identity because we don't feel like it's what the religious system wants for us. But, what if that very process of being what everyone else expects of us hinders parts of our identity Jesus has placed inside of us?
I think up until the beginning of this year I have allowed this to happen in my own life. I think in a lot of ways I was self righteous in my early teens, and I think it mostly stemmed from being zealous in the midst of immaturity. Thus, not having wisdom. Anyways, that's a bunny trail haha :p
The point is this, in the past year parts of me have come out I never knew existed. But, it only came to the surface once I stopped caring what people thought and wanted from me in order to be considered this "holy" person. It came when I said, "Jesus, I want YOU. Period. I want YOU to define me. Not people. Not the world."
All of a sudden so many things I never even cared about became so interesting and part of me. Nothing, of course, take the place of Jesus. But, certain passions inside of me came to life that I never knew existed.
I know since I was younger I have always been drawn to Hollywood and all that it entails. Mostly the people. But loving and caring for people in Hollywood isn't usually something the church goes..."ahh! Wow! You've hit the jack pot there." Most people will (and have) laugh at in your face when you say you are praying for so and so in Hollywood. They see no point. And, that's okay. But, I let that thinking suppress something inside of me. In the past year though Jesus has really brought that back to life. And, no matter your opinion on the subject, I do pray for Hollywood almost every day. I believe that there will be massive revival there and lives will be changed globally through it.
I also have come to love fashion. Something, I never knew existed inside of me. But, I do, I love fashion. It may seem materialistic to you...but to me, I think it's an aspect of creativity that Jesus placed inside of me. No, it won't change my life, only Jesus will, but I can still express myself through the art of clothes and Jesus loves it...because, it's how He made me.
I think it's the little things that make us who we are that we call insignificant. We try to create this picture perfect idea of a "Christian" and we lose part of who we are in the process.
So, I charge you guys submit who you are to Jesus not man and allow the little tiny details and passions that make you who you are come out! Jesus loves it and HE placed it in you from the beginning of time. Embrace it. It's who you ARE.
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Random Talk.
Pretty excited for this, not gunnaaa lie :)
This is sad. My friends, whether we want to believe it or not there is sex trafficking going on not just in other countries (which is horrible!!) but also on our own land; right under our noses. May we fight for justice for this atrocity overseas and here in America.
"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
By day the Lord directs his love,
at night his song is with me-
a prayer to the God of my life."
(Psalm 42:7-8)
Peace. Love. Joy.
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