Monday, February 15, 2010

Wonderful Abba. Wonderful Joy. Wonderful Life.

You know what?
I really love people who REALLY see people.
Sometimes, you encounter people who go even beyond what we think about ourselves, and they see us for us.
It's like they see you at your full potential, just like Jesus sees you.
And, you know what?
I ABSOLUTELY love people like that.

That is how we were created to live.
To really treat people for who they really are,
instead of OUR pre-figured ideas about who they are that stem from our own insecurities.
I love it when I meet people who just see your heart, your life, as beautiful.
That is how my Abba sees my life.
And, I love it when I meet people who have encountered their Abba in such a way that they truly, without a spec of doubt, see you as He sees you.

I want to live like that.
I want to see the very full potential,
of every single individual I meet, I see, I encounter.

I truly believe that when you treat people as they truly are; remarkable.
That, in itself, can literally transform someones life.
When you believe in someone as who they were created to be,
it can even shatter their idea of what they think they are,
what they've been told by the world they are.
That is beautiful to me.

I love Jesus.
He is life.
He is joy.
He is justice.
He is love.
And, He is hope.

Ah, how I feel so privileged that He created me;
that He even invites me to take part in those crazy, amazing aspects of His heart.
Jeeez, it blows my mind. I can't even put it in to words.
He is just outrageously, phenomenal.
So beautiful.
Not cliche-ly beautiful.
But, literally the very essence of beauty.
Woah, it blows my mind.
It blows my mind, every SINGLE day.

I love Him.
I love His joy.
I love this life He has given me.

Live Life Alive.
See People As They Truly Are.
Like Really.
It will blow your mind.


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