I know I always seem to end up talking about or mentioning the stories all around us.
So, sorry if I seem repetitive in writing this...
but, once again, I find myself constantly pondering people's lives; people's stories.
Recently, one of my neighboor's died, just of old age. He lives right accross the street from me, and I will have to say in all the years I have lived in this house, which is about 13 years, I have never once talked to the man.
He is gone now....
and, I find myself saddened,
because I know nothing about him.
I have seen him on several occassions,
mowing his lawn, weeding, washing his car... you know the daily things.
But, never once did I have a conversation with him.
Never once did I ask him how he was doing.
Never once did I simply say hello.
I never got to know the man's story.
I would like to say there is some brilliant excuse for this,
but there isn't.
I just didn't stop and take time to talk to him.
And, I most certainly missed out because of it.
I wonder, now that he is gone...
what was his childhood like?
What huge momentous events happened to him that shaped who he became?
What was he passionate about deep down inside?
What made his heart skip beats?
Ultimately, what was his story?
I bet you he had an amazing story.
I bet you he was truly a beautiful person.
And, I betcha that I could have learned and benefited so much from getting to know him.
I don't want this to happen again.
I don't want incredible stories to walk out of my life without me ever even trying to hear them.
To think, everyday there are so many stories all around me, and I didn't even get to know my own nieghbor's story...it's sad.
I want to know stories.
But, really I want to know beautiful people.
People who are so alive on the inside.
People who literally breathe in and out His DNA.
I think everyone was created to be a beautiful person.
I think we allow events of our journeys to overshadow that beauty,
and dictate our lives.
We were all created to be beautiful people.
Live like you know who your Abba is.
Let it so affect the very fiber of your being...
that, that right there is true beauty.
The only true way to see the very beauty on the inside of people,
sometimes so deep down...you would never think it was in there,
is to simply listen.
Listen to their failures, their hurts, their successes, their joys, their passions...their heart.
That's when we come to truly see the beauty on the inside of someone.
So, once again, or more like for the hundredth time; I encourage you to take time and listen to the many, amazing, beautiful stories surrounding you daily.
I will guarantee that it will change your life.
hey it's me, Chels. As I read your blog I think of myself at Whataburger with time to kill when I see this man at a table with change spread out all over the table (mostly pennies) realizing he can afford nothing on the menu. Then he asks me if I have a dollar to spare and says he lost his job and can't seem to find any. I quickly pull my remaining $3 out of my wallet and hand it to him. My fries get called out, so I pick them up and leave not saying a word. When in my car, it occurred to me. What was his story? Could I have told him about Jesus? Why didn't I ask his name? Why didn't I pray for him? I now realize that I cannot live in condemnation about this one failure to reach out. But I can let it teach me the importance of each moment so that the next time it comes I can be conscious enough to think outside myself and take that previous opportunity.
That is so good Chels & such truth! You're so right! :-) I love you! & Miss you!
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