Tuesday, March 8, 2011

OUR plans.

Recently God has really been dealing with me personally, as well as showing me how much in humanity we create "our plan".

It's like we see where we are going, whatever area of society we want to influence, the church included, and we create this grand plan and strategy to make a "difference".

The other week I heard God start laughing,
He said, "brianna your plans, your strategies they really mean nothing."
Huh? I wondered, but then I heard Him say,
"it's really my presence, ME, that makes or breaks this thing."

I had this realization, that my strategy, my "plan", it really meant nothing,
unless it was simply a detail of the overwhelming goal of just being with Him.
Then from that place of being with Him, living life from Him.

I want to dig a well soooo deep with Him, that no matter where I go in life my History with Him is so vast that in an instance I can turn and He is there; His presence is there.
That's what I want.

At the end of the day no matter where I go, it's all going to come down to one thing..
my history with Abba.
That is what makes or breaks my life.
That is what dictates the influence I am going to have.
That is what determines my victory.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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