Today has been a bit weird...
actually, the past couple days have been.
It's like this weird feeling on the inside of me,
one I can't seem to nail.
I haven't been sleeping much lately,
I find my mind is racing, as well as my heart,
but not with anything in particular.
It's odd.
You know that complex space between your biggest dreams coming true,
and the journey it takes to get there?
There are so many moments I have to remind myself why I am doing what I am doing.
When processes seem useless, and uncomfortable its God who brings me back to the core of what I am after...
or more like, what He is after.
He brings me back to who He is,
and who I am in Him.
And, then the process doesn't look so bad.
But, I am not going to lie...
lately those "moments" of doubt have been happening a lot.
You know that awkward feeling when the grace lifts on a season,
and you feel God preparing you for transition,
but you have to wait for the transition to happen?
It's this place of knowing you're about to move on,
but realizing you haven't quite yet,
and you have to constantly remind yourself to finish strong.
So, yeah, that is where I am at today...March 23rd.
It's times like these though that I fall so much more in love with Abba,
and realize I need Him to constantly fill my heart so I can do just that..
finish strong!
Peace. Love. Joy.
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