I just got back from camp last night.
It was a refreshing week...
mainly, because I could just soak everything in, I didn't have to be someone..
because no one knew me, and no one had expectations for me.
AHH.. it was lovely.
God really did a lot on the inside of me...
I learned to rest, and be okay with that.
I learned to be who I am despite what others may be doing..
despite the pressure to do exactly what everyone else does.
I just could be at peace with me and how I was made and how I engage.
It was a lovely thing.
A thing I think people often don't understand.
Alas, it's me. And, they don't have to understand.
I really love how my Jesus uses the simplictic things of life to speak to me.
It's always in simplicity I find His voice loudest in my life.
It's incredible.
He is incredible.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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