This is titled "lots" because there are so many thoughts floating around in my head right now. Where to begin is the question?
Today, I was leaving the mall. As I was stopped at the light, I got that feeling, you know the one where you see someone in desperate need of help, but you don't know what to do so you just sit there numb and idle trying to ignore the fact the problem exists.
Well, it happened. There I was, just sitting there and on the side was a man, a very poor, and in so many ways desolate man; he held a sign, he wanted money. As much as I wanted to hand him all the money I had on me the question rang through my head, "what if he just uses it for drugs or alcohol? Why isn't he out trying to find a job anyways?" But, then I hear, "well, wait, what is his story first of all?" It becomes just a huge mumble jumble within a very short minutes and I am left asking, "well, what do I do?" At the end, all I could hear is, "Brianna, just ask him if he needs prayer." In that very second though fear screamed at me, "what if he tries to hurt you?" The light turned green. I was gone. He was gone. The moment that could have been key, was in fact gone.
Next time, I want to not be the person who becomes idle and numb when it comes to those who need help. I can pray for anyone! And, heck, prayer is better than money! I want to be the one who offers Jesus in every situation, who chooses to take every situation to see the Kingdom of Heaven released on the earth! Ahh! Jesus, help me be that person.
Last night, I was star gazing with my Mom and Sister, looking up at those beautiful creations in the sky; just little dots, but yet so extraordinary. Think about it, I mean seriously, stars are a genius idea. They light up the whole sky with little flickers of light. It amazes me!! It makes me feel alive, and just ponder how incredible beautiful our Abba is!
I am off to a Creative Worship Camp for the week starting tomorrow. I have such excitement, yet fear of the unknown; not knowing at all what to expect truly. I am going to find out though, I am facing this fear of the unknown. I know I will come back truly changed! Our greatest destiny truly does lie on the other side of fear! :)
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship. And by Him by cry Abba, Father!" (Romans 8:15)
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