2011 has been an adventure to say the least.
It's been one of the hardest, but also one of the most profound in many ways.
I remember being asked a year ago, while in a room with several people, "what is 2011 going to be for you?" I responded with complete confidence and assurance, "a year of dreams being realized."
Looking back over the year, there were many unexpected, less than amazing events that have come my may. But, I have to say that, indeed it was a year of dreams being realized.
I've embarked and embraced so many different things this year,here is my attempt at rounding it up:
Friendships, some of the best I may ever have. A relationship. Fashion school. Running a 5k. Started a fashion blog. Yacht trips. Started painting. Began expanding my designing skills. Road tripped across the country, from CA to MD. Went to Elizabethtown (a lifelong ambition ;). Went to Salvation Mountain. Learned to Golf. Fell in love with San Francisco.Traveled the Oregon Coast. Saw Les Miserable at the Kennedy Center. Went to a Ballet. Saw Bon Iver live. Met Kelly Cutrone (AHHH!)......just to name a few.
I am not a big fan of resolutions, more so of daily living life alive, continually dreaming, and always setting and achieving goals. There are lots I wish to accomplish this year, and I believe whole heartedly I will. To start with though, I am simply going to wake up day after day, in awe of Abba, and live the journey with Him. I just don't see how that could lead to any regret.
Here is to twenty twelve my friends. I am excited for all that's ahead :)
I believe this year will be one of dreams, dreams, and even more dreams. The process of daily seeing dreams realized and of finding beauty in the mundane.
He is good. All the time.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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