Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Mystery of it All....

Lately, I have been drawn to the mystery of life, people....the mystery of it all.
It's so easy to want to know everything and anything,
to consistently be answering questions in life,
to have to understand......

But, I propose we yield ourselves to the endless, beautiful mystery of it all...
maybe instead of always needing an explanation to embrace something,
why not choose to embrace it even without an explanation?
Seems a little like "faith" to me.

Why not choose to not have to quite understand it all?
But, instead be surprised,
be amazed in every passing moment you live.

Instead of trying to figure every little thing out,
do yourself a favor and embrace mystery.
Embrace the adventure.
I believe that is how we were created to live.

Peace. Love. Joy.

1 comment:

Larry7504 said...

Very thoughtful post. I tend to be one of those who has to know how everything works. I think there's a good side to that but I also agree that having faith in what we can't see or fully understand is a God given quality.