Monday, April 18, 2011


Why is it that we make formulas for everything in life?
We(humanity) like to have an exact way of doing things,
and we believe if we find results with doing something a certain way then that in fact is the way the rest of humanity should do it and they will receieve the same results.

But, it's just not true.
Have you ever done something to get a result of some sort because a friend of yours got the result doing it the same way, but you don't get the result they get?

In our minds its so easier if we just have one way of doing something,
instead of just going with the "flow" of life and letting things just be organic so to speak.

I am learning to realize that I can't create formulas for things in my own life. I can't have it all figured out...I just can't.
It's a lot more free, and a lot scarier at times to just flow with life.
To narrow life down to simplicity;
To have one constant formula:

It may be scarier, but in the end it is freedom, to just live life in sync and not have to figure everything out.
I choose to not be safe...
but to live free from formulas,
and live simply because.

Peace. Love. Joy.

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