Tomorrow, I embark on a four day journey to the wonderful, creative, sunny California.
Transitioning has never been something I am quite good at, but I am trusting my Abba on this one and I believe everything is going to be so very smooth ;)
This morning I had a little "cry" session with Jesus. Leaving my family, leaving the things and places, and people I am so familiar with. It's hard. I am embarking on a new journey, one that is going to take a lot of trust. The unknown honestly freaks me out, and right now...this new journey, is just that, "unknown".
The thing keeping me right now is His promises. I know He always keeps His promises. I know He is going to do so much in me in the next 9 months that I will barely even recognize myself. That is exciting. When Jesus can come in and rearrange things and make us this whole new person formed and fashioned after's honestly outrageous to me.
So, here is to a new adventure. A new journey with my Abba! :) Here is to new people, new friendships, and new accomplishments!
Before, I close this blog though, I would like to acknowledge people who in this past year have seriously meant the world to me because they deserve to be noticed...they are just that cool :)
Let's see...where to begin....
My familia:
Dad-You've taught me to just be me no matter what. To never feel pressure to conform to something in the church just because other people are doing it. You've taught me to engage with Jesus on my own level. You've also taught me mercy, and to love and care for those around me, especially those less fortunate. I love you!

Mom- Wow. Where to begin? You've taught me what it means to love. You've been a wonderful example through my whole life of loving consistenly and constantly while still knowing how to speak truth. You've had more grace with people then I could possibly fathom. It's truly remarkable. I would not trade you for one second. The lessons you've taught me, and more importantly displayed for me have been amazing! I love, LOVE, LOVE YOU!

Caitlin- Oh, dearest Caitlin. You are wonderful. You get me. And, you still love me even though you get me! haha :p You probably are the one person who knows me inside and out. You know my many flaws as well as the things I am good at I let no one know about. You have been an amazing example of intimacy with the Father and have showed me what it really means to be an intercessor and to stand for something bigger than myself. You've been the one who always roots for me and believes in me, more than I could ever belief in myself. You've taught me to face life fearless and more importantly how to adventureee! haha :) I love you!

Siobhan- Ahh, Siobhan, the one who has such a lovely soul. Man, girl, I think more than anything you've showed me what it's like to feel things deeply and to truly care for others. Your love and empathy for others has always amazed me! I know you are going to change so many lives, because you care truly from the bottom of your heart about the well being of others. You've always been the dare devil, and I am so opposite, so thinking about you always inspires me to take risk in life when I would rather be safe. Thanks for being YOU....I love you!!

Killian-My dearest Killian. I LOVE your strong personality. I LOVE that you never give up on what you are determined is truth. You will fight for justice until you see it! You are one of the hardest workers I have ever seen, and you also have such a gentle spirit about you...(even though you try to hide it haha)! I am going to miss your smile, our "talks" (that always end up with you mad at me lol), and our "movie dates" (that tend to always fail :p). AND, of course I will miss constantly hearing your wonderful opinions on...well, everything! haha I love you bro!

Debbie- Debbie, you are certainly my 3rd sister! I can tell you absolutely everything! We can always have so much fun and we don't have to fake it, we can be completely real and still have a blast! :) You are always so encouraging and I know you will always tell me the truth, which is a lovely characteristic! I appreciate you so much for everything! Thanks for always opening up your home and letting me stay and hang out with you and your gorgeous family! I LOVE YOU!

Katelyn- hahhaa...yeah, when I think of you I laugh. Man, the situations we've got ourselves into...never ceases to amaze me! ha :p We can always have so much fun, and be so random, and creative together! You are one of the easiest people to talk to you have some of the best advice known to man. I appreciate you beyond belief! You are raw, and honest, and it's wonderful! :) Love you!

Ashley- Ohh, Ashley....haha, we have some of the most fun/ awkward/ serious times together. You are the only one who can imitate me and my saying so very well! ;) I love that you are such a go getter and you never let a "no" stop you from what you want. You dream, and then always dream some more! I love youu!
Melissa- Even though we haven't known each other for too long, I feel like I've known you forever! This Summer was so wonderful getting to know you! ;) You are such a confident, bold's inspiring. We can talk about everything...especially fashion ;) You inspire me to shoot for the stars and never settle for anything less than my dreams! I love you so much!

Kathy- My little sister, how I love you! It's crazy to think how long we've known each other and all the experiences we have had...and now your a flippin' junior in insane! I love your smile and your joy and your child likeness! It's refreshing! Thanks for staying true to yourself! You are so very lovely, don't ever doubt it! I am going to miss you alot! I love you sooo muuch and you will constantly be in my prayers.

Sarah- Even though you've been gone a lot this year on your own new season and journey, you've still be so amazing! When I think of you, I think of broken down cars, taco bell, Switchfoot, and singing "Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had Father Abraham...." smack dab in the middle of the National Mall! :) Ha, only you...only you ;) You have seriously been an amazing friend to me, and have listened to me on so many occasions, and walked through SO much with me! I love you to the ends of the earth!

Rebecca- It has been so amazing to get to REALLY know you in this last month! You are hands down one of the most beautiful people I know! You seriously are one that lives from the very heart of God. It's so lovely! You're amazing! Love you!! :)

There are so many other people who I would love to mention, only it would take days and lots and lots of typing away on this computer. So, I will just give one big shout out to all of those who have meant so much to me through the years! :) I will never forget your kindness! ;)
And, so the journey begins......
Peace. Love. Joy.
1 comment:
Bri, I think u are awesome!! I think you are going to do great and God is going to bless you so much and you lovely girl are going to be a blessing to many people. Don't be afraid, trust God with all your heart and He will be there for you!! :)
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