Hmm...where to begin? So much has been happening. Good stuff at that.
So many good teachings in the past week....let me see if I can summarize it ha!
Bill Johnson really hammered in us the fact that we should live a life full of joy and never have another day of discouragement. It's kind of a new thought to me, living out of a place of joy so that no matter what happens in life I choose to press into the Holy Spirit instead of get wrapped up in the "natural". What a revelation.
He also talked about not allowing emotions and intellect to control us...becuase, "Christian's do things because they're right not because we feel like doing it." Kinda, a brilliant statement Our relationship with our Abba isn't from rules and what we should do, but it's an overflow of our love for Him that we follow Him and choose to become like Him.
Another man, Pastor Mark talked to us about seeing our Father as just that our Father. He said one thing that really stuck out to me, "It's NOT normal not to be able to feel His rpesence because He is tangible."
Kris Vallotton talked a lot about becoming a prince and not living from a mentality of a pauper. It was soooo good. He was saying that whatever we imagine and see ourselves as, we become. It was all about identity and living our lives from a place of knowing our Daddy is King and we are royalty and should live life from a place of royalty. It's really something that is so profound, that I believe if Christians walked from that place it would totally revolutionize our lives and the impact we can have.
Beni Johnson, Bill Johnson's wife, talked to us as well. She talked about intercession and praying from a place of knowing what Jesus was praying and then praying that. It was so grand!
There is so much more but it's just too much to write in one setting ha!
Here are some awesome quotes though:
"The Holy Spirit wants to show us how to feel and what to feel." (BJ)
"Your greatest successes were won before the circumstances happened." (BJ)
"How you prepare yourself will determine if you will have a solution when a problem arises." (BJ)
"If you want joy, rejoice. You are only phony if you live off of your emotions." (BJ)
"He doesn't want to bless me betond my capacity to handle- He wants to bless me beyond my imagination." (BJ)
"You are not the product of your environment, you are the product of how you respond to your environment." (Kris V)
"Unforgiveness teathers you to the past." (Kris V)
"Religion is trying to get through performance what you already have through creation." (Kris V)
"We teach people how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves." (Kris V)
"You were born to terrorize the works of the terrorist." (Kris V)
"You can sin, it's just not your nature to sin." (Kris V)
The other day in worship as I was just allowing Abba to love on me I had this vision, I was in a palace and I was a little girl and all of a sudden Jesus walked over to me, held my hand and we began to walk. As we were walking pain in my life began to just dissappear. I felt the Holy Spirit say, "Brianna, go back to when you were a little girl and start over without the hurt." It was so lovely.
The very next day during a service, one of the leaders got up and began saying that in the Spirit he saw that Jesus was going to take many of us back to when we were little and let us start over without the hurts and pain of life that had built up in our hearts. It totally blew me away!
How faithful is He?! Ahhh! That vision totally rocked my world. He is soooo dang goood.
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Heidi Baker was here Sunday night and unfortunately it wasn't my assigned service so I couldn't go. But, she is certainly one of my heroes, all she has done in Africa and accross the world seriously amazes me! I got to watch the service though on it is for anyone who wants to enjoy it as well:
Becoming Sons and Daughters : September 19, 2010
Yesterday our worship was led by this awesome New Zealand band called the Ember Days. They were seiously amazing! Check them out:
There is so much that God is doing in me right now...I will update Friday on the details! :)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Becoming Sons and Daughters : September 19, 2010
Yesterday our worship was led by this awesome New Zealand band called the Ember Days. They were seiously amazing! Check them out:
There is so much that God is doing in me right now...I will update Friday on the details! :)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Welsh Revival.
I just got done reading, "The World Aflame" by Rick Joyner for class; it is a book all about the Welsh Revival. It was so amazing to hear all the amazing stories from that revival. It really spurred me to cry out for even more of God than I ever have before. If you want to be super inspired as well as learn about the history of the revival I would totally suggest reading the book.
There are so many amazing things that happened during the Welsh Revival but two stories that really hit me hard are as follows. First, there is a story about Evan Robert's (the leader of the revival)Mother and how she left a service before it was over to go and get some sleep, when Evan eventually got home he found his mother in so much physical agony because she felt so convicted she couldn't simply wait on God long enough. Man, to have such a desire for His presence that you neglect necessities, that is what I call desperation!
Another story is about the Welsh Rugby team, which was pretty much the big thing that everyone followed (compare to the NFL in America), eventually they stopped competing because all the players got radically saved and all they wanted to do was spend time in His presence that they completely forgot about the sport all together. Can you imagine the players on our NFL teams getting so radically saved and moved by the spirit that they just forget to compete because they are spending their time in His presence crazy would that be!
Here are some quotes from the book:
"A revival is something like a revolution, it is apt to be wonderfully catching." (RJ)
"Bend the church and save the world." (Evan Roberts)
"Our intercession must be for intimacy with Him, and then with Him for His purposes." (RJ)
"Prayer is not used to change the mind of the Lord as much as it is used to bring us into one mind with Him." (RJ)
"Those who are controlled by fear will be the most threatened by anyone whom they cannot control through intimidation." (RJ)
"When we know that we are known by God, we will not be overly concerned about what anyone else thinks of us." (RJ)
"Those who allow themselves to be emptied, who lay aside all personal ambition to become of no reputation, who patiently suffer rejection and misunderstanding, will soon stir the entire world with the King's message." (RJ)
Peace. Love. Joy.
There are so many amazing things that happened during the Welsh Revival but two stories that really hit me hard are as follows. First, there is a story about Evan Robert's (the leader of the revival)Mother and how she left a service before it was over to go and get some sleep, when Evan eventually got home he found his mother in so much physical agony because she felt so convicted she couldn't simply wait on God long enough. Man, to have such a desire for His presence that you neglect necessities, that is what I call desperation!
Another story is about the Welsh Rugby team, which was pretty much the big thing that everyone followed (compare to the NFL in America), eventually they stopped competing because all the players got radically saved and all they wanted to do was spend time in His presence that they completely forgot about the sport all together. Can you imagine the players on our NFL teams getting so radically saved and moved by the spirit that they just forget to compete because they are spending their time in His presence crazy would that be!
Here are some quotes from the book:
"A revival is something like a revolution, it is apt to be wonderfully catching." (RJ)
"Bend the church and save the world." (Evan Roberts)
"Our intercession must be for intimacy with Him, and then with Him for His purposes." (RJ)
"Prayer is not used to change the mind of the Lord as much as it is used to bring us into one mind with Him." (RJ)
"Those who are controlled by fear will be the most threatened by anyone whom they cannot control through intimidation." (RJ)
"When we know that we are known by God, we will not be overly concerned about what anyone else thinks of us." (RJ)
"Those who allow themselves to be emptied, who lay aside all personal ambition to become of no reputation, who patiently suffer rejection and misunderstanding, will soon stir the entire world with the King's message." (RJ)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Being a completely outrageous giver.
The other day while Bill Johnson was talking to us in class he shared this story about this guy who was at Starbucks and he just decided to bless the person behind him and pay for his order. That person, being so moved by the guy's giving gesture went and paid for the person behind him and this went on for 6 hours straight like a domino effect. How amazing?!
Well, me and my roommates after service tonight went to Taco Bell to get some dinner and decided to implement this awesome giving! So, we paid for the guy behind us in the drive-thru. After I had told the cashier I wanted to pay for the guy behind us he made the transaction and then looked at me and said,
"do you all know the guy?"
I said, "no, we just wanted to bless him!"
His face lite up and he said, "wow, that is nice of you guys. I wish someone would do that for me!"
It's crazy how just going out of your way to just be an outrageous blessing to someone else can totally just impact people with the love of God!
I encourage you...go out of your way!
Tip beyond what is expected!
Randomly pay for other people's orders!
Encourage strangers with a random word!
It so blesses the heart of God!!
I am looking forward to hearing stories of how Jesus moves by your gesture of outrageous giving!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Well, me and my roommates after service tonight went to Taco Bell to get some dinner and decided to implement this awesome giving! So, we paid for the guy behind us in the drive-thru. After I had told the cashier I wanted to pay for the guy behind us he made the transaction and then looked at me and said,
"do you all know the guy?"
I said, "no, we just wanted to bless him!"
His face lite up and he said, "wow, that is nice of you guys. I wish someone would do that for me!"
It's crazy how just going out of your way to just be an outrageous blessing to someone else can totally just impact people with the love of God!
I encourage you...go out of your way!
Tip beyond what is expected!
Randomly pay for other people's orders!
Encourage strangers with a random word!
It so blesses the heart of God!!
I am looking forward to hearing stories of how Jesus moves by your gesture of outrageous giving!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Heart is bursting through my chest.
It's only the third day of BSSM and I feel like my heart has already encountered so much! I already feel God molding me and creating me into that very person He desires me to be. It's so exciting!
The presence of God here in Redding and at Bethel is something I have never encountered. The worship has been some of the most intimate times I have ever had with the Father. It's been in worship that I feel God just moving so much around in my heart...taking out the things that are not of Him and replacing it with His pure, outrageous love! It's crazy how simply going, "Abba, You are my hearts desire. You are the object of my affection. I love you!", can change so much!
I am reminded of something Jonathan David Helser said this Summer while I was at the worship camp he and his wife put on, he said, "Worship is taking back your rightful place!" It's like me just going deeper in worship has literally broke things off of my life and brought life to areas of my heart where death has set up camp. I felt fear, anxiety being broken off. I felt hurt that has been in the crevices of my heart for years just being drowned out by the literal love and presence of Jesus!
And, it's only the 3rd day. I cannot wait for these next 9 months of just the impartation of His crazy love and of me coming to a place of literally "taking my rightful place" through my praises!
On top of that Bill Johnson's word today was so good. He spoke a lot about changing culture and the difference between "overt" and "covert" ministering. He really pressed the fact that our testimony actually giving to others the gift of the very nature of God. How incredible! He also went into the mindset of Herod and the Pharisees and the Political and Religious spirits. Here are some awesome things he said that I hope totally rock your world:
"God takes what is practical and mundane and turns it into a weapon of war."
"We are known (Body of Christ) for what we don't like instead of who He is."
"The darker the oppression in my life, the more expression I am going to put into my worship."
"Every time you share a testimony, you bring the mercy seat into somebody's life"
"Grace creates the atmosphere where faith is known."
"A hard heart makes a dull mind."
"It's as important to keep the testimony as it is to keep the commandments."
"Testimony is supposed to be the lense that we see reality through."
Also, random fact I never knew...Shalom means like a massive amount of things, including: a sound mind, health, and healing! :) You can say it and it covers everything haha :p
Peace. Love. Joy.
The presence of God here in Redding and at Bethel is something I have never encountered. The worship has been some of the most intimate times I have ever had with the Father. It's been in worship that I feel God just moving so much around in my heart...taking out the things that are not of Him and replacing it with His pure, outrageous love! It's crazy how simply going, "Abba, You are my hearts desire. You are the object of my affection. I love you!", can change so much!
I am reminded of something Jonathan David Helser said this Summer while I was at the worship camp he and his wife put on, he said, "Worship is taking back your rightful place!" It's like me just going deeper in worship has literally broke things off of my life and brought life to areas of my heart where death has set up camp. I felt fear, anxiety being broken off. I felt hurt that has been in the crevices of my heart for years just being drowned out by the literal love and presence of Jesus!
And, it's only the 3rd day. I cannot wait for these next 9 months of just the impartation of His crazy love and of me coming to a place of literally "taking my rightful place" through my praises!
On top of that Bill Johnson's word today was so good. He spoke a lot about changing culture and the difference between "overt" and "covert" ministering. He really pressed the fact that our testimony actually giving to others the gift of the very nature of God. How incredible! He also went into the mindset of Herod and the Pharisees and the Political and Religious spirits. Here are some awesome things he said that I hope totally rock your world:
"God takes what is practical and mundane and turns it into a weapon of war."
"We are known (Body of Christ) for what we don't like instead of who He is."
"The darker the oppression in my life, the more expression I am going to put into my worship."
"Every time you share a testimony, you bring the mercy seat into somebody's life"
"Grace creates the atmosphere where faith is known."
"A hard heart makes a dull mind."
"It's as important to keep the testimony as it is to keep the commandments."
"Testimony is supposed to be the lense that we see reality through."
Also, random fact I never knew...Shalom means like a massive amount of things, including: a sound mind, health, and healing! :) You can say it and it covers everything haha :p
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sing for the beauty that is yet to be found.
Today was the second day of BSSM.....
it seriously amazes me the promises of God.
He has never ever failed me, yet still I can doubt His faithfulness so much.
After a hard day yesterday with a lot of emotion, today was refreshing.
I have to say I have NEVER felt the presence of God as I did today in worship.
His love was so intense in the atmosphere.
I could literally feel Him squeezing me...
squeezing out all anxiety....
squeezing out all fear.
Replacing it all with His outrageous love that no man could ever manufacture.
It was so extravagantly beautiful.
In those moments of experiencing His rich, tangible love I realized all my freight was so useless. It got me nowhere, just in a big mind mess, that I literally thought myself into.
Man, oh man is He faithful.
It's hard to even describe His faithfulness...
He seriously is so gentle and loving in the midst of my issues.
It amazes me day by day.
He never has once left me....even when I have decided to rely on my self instead of Him (resulting in bad haha...since I cannot help myself...only He can)
I am so excited for these next 9 months of Him teaching me and stretching me in areas.
But, more than anything, I am excited to experience even more of His heart; His love, His faithfulness.
This one goes to the beauty that is yet to be discovered in this season....
I am stoked!! :)
Peace. Love. Joy.
it seriously amazes me the promises of God.
He has never ever failed me, yet still I can doubt His faithfulness so much.
After a hard day yesterday with a lot of emotion, today was refreshing.
I have to say I have NEVER felt the presence of God as I did today in worship.
His love was so intense in the atmosphere.
I could literally feel Him squeezing me...
squeezing out all anxiety....
squeezing out all fear.
Replacing it all with His outrageous love that no man could ever manufacture.
It was so extravagantly beautiful.
In those moments of experiencing His rich, tangible love I realized all my freight was so useless. It got me nowhere, just in a big mind mess, that I literally thought myself into.
Man, oh man is He faithful.
It's hard to even describe His faithfulness...
He seriously is so gentle and loving in the midst of my issues.
It amazes me day by day.
He never has once left me....even when I have decided to rely on my self instead of Him (resulting in bad haha...since I cannot help myself...only He can)
I am so excited for these next 9 months of Him teaching me and stretching me in areas.
But, more than anything, I am excited to experience even more of His heart; His love, His faithfulness.
This one goes to the beauty that is yet to be discovered in this season....
I am stoked!! :)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
“Aslan”, said Lucy. “You’re bigger.”
“That is because you are older, little one,” answered he.
“Not because you are?”
“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
(from Prince Caspian)
Woah. How profound is that!
As we begin to dig deeper and deeper into the heart of God He just gets even bigger.
We never run out of space to dig deeper—how phenomenal.
There is always something new and exciting to glean from Him.
He never disappoints. So keep digging :-)
Peace. Love. Joy.
“That is because you are older, little one,” answered he.
“Not because you are?”
“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
(from Prince Caspian)
Woah. How profound is that!
As we begin to dig deeper and deeper into the heart of God He just gets even bigger.
We never run out of space to dig deeper—how phenomenal.
There is always something new and exciting to glean from Him.
He never disappoints. So keep digging :-)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Rest. Peace. And, more Rest.
I have heard it said that a road trip across the country can change things.
I have come to find out that is so very true.
In one cross country trip, my Abba encountered the deep parts of my heart.
He taught me to rest in Him.
Something, I had never really walked in; but, happens to be such a key aspect of who He is.
I have found for most of my life, at least the years I can vividly remember I have allowed thoughts to control my mind instead of abiding in His loving rest and peace that is provided for me. It’s there, always has been, I have just neglected it instead of embraced it.
Through 5 days of traveling He showed me the thought patterns that were literally destroying me, because they were ultimately controlling my life. When thoughts try to creep in and cause fear and anxiety (which is not part of who HE is) then I have the power to turn from those thoughts and instead embrace Jesus’ peace and rest and allow Him to fight my battles. I have to learn to trust Him, I don’t need to worry, because He has already gone before me and made a straight path for me. How incredible.
I made up my mind on this road trip; I would no longer resist His peace and rest. I would no longer not completely trust Him with my life (because ultimately when you worry, fear, and get anxious you aren’t trusting Him). I choose to abide in His peace and rest always; to completely trust Him with every aspect of my life.
He is beautiful. Outrageous. Incredible. Magnificent. Wonderful. (and every other word out there that could possibly be amazing haha)
I choose to live my life under the shadow of His wings.
Walking with confidence knowing He has got everything under control.
Why should I not trust Him?! :)
“I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (Psalm 34:4-5)
“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze, and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who summons you by name.” (Isaiah 45:2-3)
“So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)
“Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
Peace. Love. Joy.
I have come to find out that is so very true.
In one cross country trip, my Abba encountered the deep parts of my heart.
He taught me to rest in Him.
Something, I had never really walked in; but, happens to be such a key aspect of who He is.
I have found for most of my life, at least the years I can vividly remember I have allowed thoughts to control my mind instead of abiding in His loving rest and peace that is provided for me. It’s there, always has been, I have just neglected it instead of embraced it.
Through 5 days of traveling He showed me the thought patterns that were literally destroying me, because they were ultimately controlling my life. When thoughts try to creep in and cause fear and anxiety (which is not part of who HE is) then I have the power to turn from those thoughts and instead embrace Jesus’ peace and rest and allow Him to fight my battles. I have to learn to trust Him, I don’t need to worry, because He has already gone before me and made a straight path for me. How incredible.
I made up my mind on this road trip; I would no longer resist His peace and rest. I would no longer not completely trust Him with my life (because ultimately when you worry, fear, and get anxious you aren’t trusting Him). I choose to abide in His peace and rest always; to completely trust Him with every aspect of my life.
He is beautiful. Outrageous. Incredible. Magnificent. Wonderful. (and every other word out there that could possibly be amazing haha)
I choose to live my life under the shadow of His wings.
Walking with confidence knowing He has got everything under control.
Why should I not trust Him?! :)
“I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (Psalm 34:4-5)
“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze, and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who summons you by name.” (Isaiah 45:2-3)
“So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)
“Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Why, Hello New Season...
Today is my last day in Frederick, and in Maryland.
Tomorrow, I embark on a four day journey to the wonderful, creative, sunny California.
Transitioning has never been something I am quite good at, but I am trusting my Abba on this one and I believe everything is going to be so very smooth ;)
This morning I had a little "cry" session with Jesus. Leaving my family, leaving the things and places, and people I am so familiar with. It's hard. I am embarking on a new journey, one that is going to take a lot of trust. The unknown honestly freaks me out, and right now...this new journey, is just that, "unknown".
The thing keeping me right now is His promises. I know He always keeps His promises. I know He is going to do so much in me in the next 9 months that I will barely even recognize myself. That is exciting. When Jesus can come in and rearrange things and make us this whole new person formed and fashioned after's honestly outrageous to me.
So, here is to a new adventure. A new journey with my Abba! :) Here is to new people, new friendships, and new accomplishments!
Before, I close this blog though, I would like to acknowledge people who in this past year have seriously meant the world to me because they deserve to be noticed...they are just that cool :)
Let's see...where to begin....
My familia:
Dad-You've taught me to just be me no matter what. To never feel pressure to conform to something in the church just because other people are doing it. You've taught me to engage with Jesus on my own level. You've also taught me mercy, and to love and care for those around me, especially those less fortunate. I love you!

Mom- Wow. Where to begin? You've taught me what it means to love. You've been a wonderful example through my whole life of loving consistenly and constantly while still knowing how to speak truth. You've had more grace with people then I could possibly fathom. It's truly remarkable. I would not trade you for one second. The lessons you've taught me, and more importantly displayed for me have been amazing! I love, LOVE, LOVE YOU!

Caitlin- Oh, dearest Caitlin. You are wonderful. You get me. And, you still love me even though you get me! haha :p You probably are the one person who knows me inside and out. You know my many flaws as well as the things I am good at I let no one know about. You have been an amazing example of intimacy with the Father and have showed me what it really means to be an intercessor and to stand for something bigger than myself. You've been the one who always roots for me and believes in me, more than I could ever belief in myself. You've taught me to face life fearless and more importantly how to adventureee! haha :) I love you!

Siobhan- Ahh, Siobhan, the one who has such a lovely soul. Man, girl, I think more than anything you've showed me what it's like to feel things deeply and to truly care for others. Your love and empathy for others has always amazed me! I know you are going to change so many lives, because you care truly from the bottom of your heart about the well being of others. You've always been the dare devil, and I am so opposite, so thinking about you always inspires me to take risk in life when I would rather be safe. Thanks for being YOU....I love you!!

Killian-My dearest Killian. I LOVE your strong personality. I LOVE that you never give up on what you are determined is truth. You will fight for justice until you see it! You are one of the hardest workers I have ever seen, and you also have such a gentle spirit about you...(even though you try to hide it haha)! I am going to miss your smile, our "talks" (that always end up with you mad at me lol), and our "movie dates" (that tend to always fail :p). AND, of course I will miss constantly hearing your wonderful opinions on...well, everything! haha I love you bro!

Debbie- Debbie, you are certainly my 3rd sister! I can tell you absolutely everything! We can always have so much fun and we don't have to fake it, we can be completely real and still have a blast! :) You are always so encouraging and I know you will always tell me the truth, which is a lovely characteristic! I appreciate you so much for everything! Thanks for always opening up your home and letting me stay and hang out with you and your gorgeous family! I LOVE YOU!

Katelyn- hahhaa...yeah, when I think of you I laugh. Man, the situations we've got ourselves into...never ceases to amaze me! ha :p We can always have so much fun, and be so random, and creative together! You are one of the easiest people to talk to you have some of the best advice known to man. I appreciate you beyond belief! You are raw, and honest, and it's wonderful! :) Love you!

Ashley- Ohh, Ashley....haha, we have some of the most fun/ awkward/ serious times together. You are the only one who can imitate me and my saying so very well! ;) I love that you are such a go getter and you never let a "no" stop you from what you want. You dream, and then always dream some more! I love youu!

Melissa- Even though we haven't known each other for too long, I feel like I've known you forever! This Summer was so wonderful getting to know you! ;) You are such a confident, bold's inspiring. We can talk about everything...especially fashion ;) You inspire me to shoot for the stars and never settle for anything less than my dreams! I love you so much!

Kathy- My little sister, how I love you! It's crazy to think how long we've known each other and all the experiences we have had...and now your a flippin' junior in insane! I love your smile and your joy and your child likeness! It's refreshing! Thanks for staying true to yourself! You are so very lovely, don't ever doubt it! I am going to miss you alot! I love you sooo muuch and you will constantly be in my prayers.

Sarah- Even though you've been gone a lot this year on your own new season and journey, you've still be so amazing! When I think of you, I think of broken down cars, taco bell, Switchfoot, and singing "Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had Father Abraham...." smack dab in the middle of the National Mall! :) Ha, only you...only you ;) You have seriously been an amazing friend to me, and have listened to me on so many occasions, and walked through SO much with me! I love you to the ends of the earth!

Rebecca- It has been so amazing to get to REALLY know you in this last month! You are hands down one of the most beautiful people I know! You seriously are one that lives from the very heart of God. It's so lovely! You're amazing! Love you!! :)

There are so many other people who I would love to mention, only it would take days and lots and lots of typing away on this computer. So, I will just give one big shout out to all of those who have meant so much to me through the years! :) I will never forget your kindness! ;)
And, so the journey begins......
Peace. Love. Joy.
Tomorrow, I embark on a four day journey to the wonderful, creative, sunny California.
Transitioning has never been something I am quite good at, but I am trusting my Abba on this one and I believe everything is going to be so very smooth ;)
This morning I had a little "cry" session with Jesus. Leaving my family, leaving the things and places, and people I am so familiar with. It's hard. I am embarking on a new journey, one that is going to take a lot of trust. The unknown honestly freaks me out, and right now...this new journey, is just that, "unknown".
The thing keeping me right now is His promises. I know He always keeps His promises. I know He is going to do so much in me in the next 9 months that I will barely even recognize myself. That is exciting. When Jesus can come in and rearrange things and make us this whole new person formed and fashioned after's honestly outrageous to me.
So, here is to a new adventure. A new journey with my Abba! :) Here is to new people, new friendships, and new accomplishments!
Before, I close this blog though, I would like to acknowledge people who in this past year have seriously meant the world to me because they deserve to be noticed...they are just that cool :)
Let's see...where to begin....
My familia:
Dad-You've taught me to just be me no matter what. To never feel pressure to conform to something in the church just because other people are doing it. You've taught me to engage with Jesus on my own level. You've also taught me mercy, and to love and care for those around me, especially those less fortunate. I love you!

Mom- Wow. Where to begin? You've taught me what it means to love. You've been a wonderful example through my whole life of loving consistenly and constantly while still knowing how to speak truth. You've had more grace with people then I could possibly fathom. It's truly remarkable. I would not trade you for one second. The lessons you've taught me, and more importantly displayed for me have been amazing! I love, LOVE, LOVE YOU!

Caitlin- Oh, dearest Caitlin. You are wonderful. You get me. And, you still love me even though you get me! haha :p You probably are the one person who knows me inside and out. You know my many flaws as well as the things I am good at I let no one know about. You have been an amazing example of intimacy with the Father and have showed me what it really means to be an intercessor and to stand for something bigger than myself. You've been the one who always roots for me and believes in me, more than I could ever belief in myself. You've taught me to face life fearless and more importantly how to adventureee! haha :) I love you!

Siobhan- Ahh, Siobhan, the one who has such a lovely soul. Man, girl, I think more than anything you've showed me what it's like to feel things deeply and to truly care for others. Your love and empathy for others has always amazed me! I know you are going to change so many lives, because you care truly from the bottom of your heart about the well being of others. You've always been the dare devil, and I am so opposite, so thinking about you always inspires me to take risk in life when I would rather be safe. Thanks for being YOU....I love you!!

Killian-My dearest Killian. I LOVE your strong personality. I LOVE that you never give up on what you are determined is truth. You will fight for justice until you see it! You are one of the hardest workers I have ever seen, and you also have such a gentle spirit about you...(even though you try to hide it haha)! I am going to miss your smile, our "talks" (that always end up with you mad at me lol), and our "movie dates" (that tend to always fail :p). AND, of course I will miss constantly hearing your wonderful opinions on...well, everything! haha I love you bro!

Debbie- Debbie, you are certainly my 3rd sister! I can tell you absolutely everything! We can always have so much fun and we don't have to fake it, we can be completely real and still have a blast! :) You are always so encouraging and I know you will always tell me the truth, which is a lovely characteristic! I appreciate you so much for everything! Thanks for always opening up your home and letting me stay and hang out with you and your gorgeous family! I LOVE YOU!

Katelyn- hahhaa...yeah, when I think of you I laugh. Man, the situations we've got ourselves into...never ceases to amaze me! ha :p We can always have so much fun, and be so random, and creative together! You are one of the easiest people to talk to you have some of the best advice known to man. I appreciate you beyond belief! You are raw, and honest, and it's wonderful! :) Love you!

Ashley- Ohh, Ashley....haha, we have some of the most fun/ awkward/ serious times together. You are the only one who can imitate me and my saying so very well! ;) I love that you are such a go getter and you never let a "no" stop you from what you want. You dream, and then always dream some more! I love youu!
Melissa- Even though we haven't known each other for too long, I feel like I've known you forever! This Summer was so wonderful getting to know you! ;) You are such a confident, bold's inspiring. We can talk about everything...especially fashion ;) You inspire me to shoot for the stars and never settle for anything less than my dreams! I love you so much!

Kathy- My little sister, how I love you! It's crazy to think how long we've known each other and all the experiences we have had...and now your a flippin' junior in insane! I love your smile and your joy and your child likeness! It's refreshing! Thanks for staying true to yourself! You are so very lovely, don't ever doubt it! I am going to miss you alot! I love you sooo muuch and you will constantly be in my prayers.

Sarah- Even though you've been gone a lot this year on your own new season and journey, you've still be so amazing! When I think of you, I think of broken down cars, taco bell, Switchfoot, and singing "Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had Father Abraham...." smack dab in the middle of the National Mall! :) Ha, only you...only you ;) You have seriously been an amazing friend to me, and have listened to me on so many occasions, and walked through SO much with me! I love you to the ends of the earth!

Rebecca- It has been so amazing to get to REALLY know you in this last month! You are hands down one of the most beautiful people I know! You seriously are one that lives from the very heart of God. It's so lovely! You're amazing! Love you!! :)

There are so many other people who I would love to mention, only it would take days and lots and lots of typing away on this computer. So, I will just give one big shout out to all of those who have meant so much to me through the years! :) I will never forget your kindness! ;)
And, so the journey begins......
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Summer 2010.

Every Summer, just as every year, has it's own story.
This Summer was a Summer of no longer allowing fear to control me.
It was a Summer of embracing life and joy and all that is true to the character of Jesus.
I for so long have allowed myself to be controlled by bondage and emotions and all that is going on at the present time of my life.
I learned this Summer to pass beyond my comfort zone, and to embrace who Jesus created me to be and not settle for anything less. I learned to be comfortable with how he made me, not try to live up to others expectations of who I should be.
If there was one word to describe this Summer, I would say Freedom.
I still have a lot to learn when it comes to this word.
But, this Summer I embraced it.
I embraced joy.
I embraced the new.
Ultimately, I came to trust Jesus for His word.
No matter the things I have gone through in life, He is always there and He has taught me how to truly live life alive!
I am so thankful for Him. I am so thankful I can call Him Abba Daddy!!
I want to live the rest of my life with the fullness of joy!
I want to live the rest of my life ALIVE in His presence!
Cheers to Summer 2010.
Cheers to the new journey ahead.
Cheers to Jesus who has never given up on me!
Peace. Love. Joy.

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