These are the words from a hero of mine, John M. Perkins.
A few months ago I finished his book, "Let Justice Roll Down."
It was so immensely powerful and insane at the same time.
I recommend it to anymore who is a lover of social justice and equality.
Here is a music video/song Switchfoot dedicated to this man. Enjoy!
"Love helps to make us generous and courageous, it opens our eyes not only to the beauty of the beloved but to all beauty." C.S. Lewis
In other news, today Caitlin and I went on a 5 mile walk.. it was intensely amazing. It started pouring down rain like half way through it. It was amazing! :)
Then, we came home and drank Wheat Grass Shots. Wheat Grass is like the whole earth combined in one. haha. Seriously, though, google it. It's intense stuff.

Wheat Grass Shots. Mmmmm :)

After a 5 mile, rain pouring, walk!
Peace. Love. Joy.
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