Yesterday was a very lax was rainy, so we couldn´t do much.
We did have the RISOM Graduation though, which is always super exciting!
To watch the people´s faces as they receive their dimplomas has always been priceless.
For some it may be the only diploma they´ve ever gotten or ever will get.
They treausre it beyond anything, and I think mostly because they know it is something that will benefit the Kingdom of God. They are truly power houses.
This morning we went to a church service and will be going to another one at 4, a church mostly of youth. The one this morning was small yet awesome. I spoke on living a supernatural lifestyle, it was fun! Almost everyone came up for prayer, and we got to declare and decree life into their very souls.
Later we are going to a church that has a lot of young people leading. They are all passionate pursuers of His heart, so I am excited to see all that is going to happen!
Welp, peace, love, and joy my friends.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
3 in 1 :)
It's been so busy and crazy, I haven't had time to blog the past few days. So let me catch ya up :)
We went to Karla's Orphanage in the morning, one of my all time favorite places to be here :) The kids are so full of joy and life! They truly do have brilliantly dancing eyes.

Then, in the evening Katelyn, Jeremy, and I went alone to minister at Pastor Gabriella's church. Katelyn and I both shared a scripture verse, along with some encouragement and Jeremy preached the night away. The funniest part was that our original interpreter bailed on us and we had this one guy who didn't know much English, therefore it made for a pretty fun night. Jesus showed up still though, and many people got prayed for! It was fun!

Thursday morning we went with my favorite Pastor, yes I have a favorite haha; his name is Pastor Roberto Mindieta. I don't think I have met a man so passionate, and humble about the kingdom of God. His story is truly phenomenal. He has 13 feeding programs throughout Nicaragua, and when he sets the feeding program up he plants a church with it as well. So, we got to go to his newest feeding program, in an extremely poor Barrio (neighborhood) and see the children get preached to, and then fed. It was an awesome experience :)
In the evening we all went to a Pentecostal Baptist Church (yes, a contradiction lol) We all spoke and my Dad preached, I spoke about Heidi Baker and setting apart time to just be alone with Jesus so that He can download the things of Heaven into our hearts. Once again, people were prayed for and healed and set free. It was awesome!!
We went to two different feeding programs by the beach, this area is considered the poorest of the poor. They literally live just under coverings, no houses or anything. We got to feed them and Pastor Roberto preached to them! :)
Then, in the afternoon, Jeremy, Katelyn, and I went to a church out in the middle of no where (literally) and it was super hot! haha But, they were the most on fire people! They could have set there for hours, in the blazing heat just worshiping Jesus! I was amazing, and convicted all at the same time! They are passionate about knowing Jesus, and everything else is merely details.
Then I got to hang with my awesome friend Elisa! I love her so much! She took us down to the plaza then out to eat. While we were eating though, I began to not feel well, saving details, I eventually passed out and it was quite eventful. Katelyn and Jeremy were great though, and were there to wake me up after I had zoned out. We got back to the hotel, and I got sick last night, and am still feeling a little weak, but Jesus is good!
Tonight, we are off to the RISOM Graduation, which is always so much fun! I am excited, just hoping I feel a bit better to thoroughly enjoy it!
Alright, love you all! Thanks for your continued prayers!
Peace. Love. Joy.
We went to Karla's Orphanage in the morning, one of my all time favorite places to be here :) The kids are so full of joy and life! They truly do have brilliantly dancing eyes.
Then, in the evening Katelyn, Jeremy, and I went alone to minister at Pastor Gabriella's church. Katelyn and I both shared a scripture verse, along with some encouragement and Jeremy preached the night away. The funniest part was that our original interpreter bailed on us and we had this one guy who didn't know much English, therefore it made for a pretty fun night. Jesus showed up still though, and many people got prayed for! It was fun!

Thursday morning we went with my favorite Pastor, yes I have a favorite haha; his name is Pastor Roberto Mindieta. I don't think I have met a man so passionate, and humble about the kingdom of God. His story is truly phenomenal. He has 13 feeding programs throughout Nicaragua, and when he sets the feeding program up he plants a church with it as well. So, we got to go to his newest feeding program, in an extremely poor Barrio (neighborhood) and see the children get preached to, and then fed. It was an awesome experience :)
In the evening we all went to a Pentecostal Baptist Church (yes, a contradiction lol) We all spoke and my Dad preached, I spoke about Heidi Baker and setting apart time to just be alone with Jesus so that He can download the things of Heaven into our hearts. Once again, people were prayed for and healed and set free. It was awesome!!
We went to two different feeding programs by the beach, this area is considered the poorest of the poor. They literally live just under coverings, no houses or anything. We got to feed them and Pastor Roberto preached to them! :)
Then, in the afternoon, Jeremy, Katelyn, and I went to a church out in the middle of no where (literally) and it was super hot! haha But, they were the most on fire people! They could have set there for hours, in the blazing heat just worshiping Jesus! I was amazing, and convicted all at the same time! They are passionate about knowing Jesus, and everything else is merely details.
Then I got to hang with my awesome friend Elisa! I love her so much! She took us down to the plaza then out to eat. While we were eating though, I began to not feel well, saving details, I eventually passed out and it was quite eventful. Katelyn and Jeremy were great though, and were there to wake me up after I had zoned out. We got back to the hotel, and I got sick last night, and am still feeling a little weak, but Jesus is good!
Tonight, we are off to the RISOM Graduation, which is always so much fun! I am excited, just hoping I feel a bit better to thoroughly enjoy it!
Alright, love you all! Thanks for your continued prayers!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Nicaragua Day #2
Here we are, the end of day #2! It's been oh so wonderful!
This morning we went to the market, which is always fun and such an experience. It's the culture at it's finest! I love it! The air, the smiling faces...beautiful.
Then tonight we were in the city plaza doing an outreach service. It was amazing to see the different churches in the area partner together in unity to see the lost know Him! We each got to share and I have to say everyone's word was brilliant. Jeremy spoke from Psalm 103 and Katelyn spoke about the promises of God. It was all so powerful and right on! My verse for the night Proverbs 23:17 & 18:
"Do not let your hearts envy sinners, but always be zealous for the free of the Lord. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."
People came up to accept Jesus for the first time, others to come back to Jesus, and still others for healing. Some lady's knee got healed, and another man's stomach was healed. Man, we serve an amazing Abba Daddy!
Thanks everyone for your prayers, we are feeling them for sure!
Peace. Love. Joy.



This morning we went to the market, which is always fun and such an experience. It's the culture at it's finest! I love it! The air, the smiling faces...beautiful.
Then tonight we were in the city plaza doing an outreach service. It was amazing to see the different churches in the area partner together in unity to see the lost know Him! We each got to share and I have to say everyone's word was brilliant. Jeremy spoke from Psalm 103 and Katelyn spoke about the promises of God. It was all so powerful and right on! My verse for the night Proverbs 23:17 & 18:
"Do not let your hearts envy sinners, but always be zealous for the free of the Lord. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."
People came up to accept Jesus for the first time, others to come back to Jesus, and still others for healing. Some lady's knee got healed, and another man's stomach was healed. Man, we serve an amazing Abba Daddy!
Thanks everyone for your prayers, we are feeling them for sure!
Peace. Love. Joy.




Nicaragua 2010 (10th trip!!) Day #1 update! ;) Woop!
It's the morning of my second day here in the beautiful land of Nicaragua.
I decided that for this trip I would blog day by day as to what God is doing :)
Yesterday was an absolutely crazy travel day! We were supposed to leave the Reagan Airport at around 6:30, but we were left sitting on the plane before being told the oil filter light was on and we had to de-board the plane, go to baggage claim, get our bags, then go through check-in all over again. Once, we got back to the check-in area there were tons of people, plus a whole plane having to re-book flights. It was so crazy, but we had amazing grace to get through it and we had such favor the whole trip!
I think God uses the things that Satan wants to discourage us with for His Kingdom when we submit to Him thankfulness. It would have been so easy for the whole team to be upset, annoyed, but instead we kept a joyful heart and just kept going. Through being delayed until 3:30 to leave D.C. we had a lot of time to waste...obviously. So, we went to a little eatery in the airport, and of course there was those divine Jesus moments. This lady sitting near by us overheard my Dad on the phone, and asked, "so, why are you guys going to Nicaragua?" It was an opportunity to share the very heart of Jesus...and it was brilliant. Finally, when we were about to board the plane I ran down to Dunkin Donuts, due to being completely exhausted and got my iced coffee fix ;) haha I got to talk to the lady and ask her how her day was going, how she liked her job etc.
In those moments I feel Jesus so alive and brilliant. Man, he cares so much about people, about their days, about how they are doing. It amazes me His brilliant love for every single person on this planet even if people don't even recognize Him being a real being. IN those moments, I see the love of God displayed in such a way, through the simplest act comes this brilliant, heart throbbing aspect of love that no man could ever truly explain. Outrageous.
Today, we are off to Karla's orphanage; so excited! Then we will be going to a church service tonight, which we all have to share at, so be praying for us; that the very heart of God for this beautiful people would manifest brilliantly. :)
On the way here yesterday God really began to deal with me on pride, it's amazing how the littlest things we never notice can be so prideful. I began to just cry out to God for a humility that goes into the very depth and fiber of my being. This morning I was reminded of the verse, "humility comes before honor." Sheeesh, that is powerful. I want to be so very humble before Him, my Abba. I truly believe that from that place of humility people see Jesus in a whole new light in our lives, because it's no longer about us, AT ALL, but it's all about HIM! Ahhh so beautiful!
I'll be updating this daily so check back, I hope our testimonies build your faith and empower you to step out and bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth.
Your prayers are so appreciated! I pray that we access the very heart of God on this trip, that we don't just change other lives, but that we go back to America, literally changed ourselves!
Peace. Love. Joy.
I decided that for this trip I would blog day by day as to what God is doing :)
Yesterday was an absolutely crazy travel day! We were supposed to leave the Reagan Airport at around 6:30, but we were left sitting on the plane before being told the oil filter light was on and we had to de-board the plane, go to baggage claim, get our bags, then go through check-in all over again. Once, we got back to the check-in area there were tons of people, plus a whole plane having to re-book flights. It was so crazy, but we had amazing grace to get through it and we had such favor the whole trip!
I think God uses the things that Satan wants to discourage us with for His Kingdom when we submit to Him thankfulness. It would have been so easy for the whole team to be upset, annoyed, but instead we kept a joyful heart and just kept going. Through being delayed until 3:30 to leave D.C. we had a lot of time to waste...obviously. So, we went to a little eatery in the airport, and of course there was those divine Jesus moments. This lady sitting near by us overheard my Dad on the phone, and asked, "so, why are you guys going to Nicaragua?" It was an opportunity to share the very heart of Jesus...and it was brilliant. Finally, when we were about to board the plane I ran down to Dunkin Donuts, due to being completely exhausted and got my iced coffee fix ;) haha I got to talk to the lady and ask her how her day was going, how she liked her job etc.
In those moments I feel Jesus so alive and brilliant. Man, he cares so much about people, about their days, about how they are doing. It amazes me His brilliant love for every single person on this planet even if people don't even recognize Him being a real being. IN those moments, I see the love of God displayed in such a way, through the simplest act comes this brilliant, heart throbbing aspect of love that no man could ever truly explain. Outrageous.
Today, we are off to Karla's orphanage; so excited! Then we will be going to a church service tonight, which we all have to share at, so be praying for us; that the very heart of God for this beautiful people would manifest brilliantly. :)
On the way here yesterday God really began to deal with me on pride, it's amazing how the littlest things we never notice can be so prideful. I began to just cry out to God for a humility that goes into the very depth and fiber of my being. This morning I was reminded of the verse, "humility comes before honor." Sheeesh, that is powerful. I want to be so very humble before Him, my Abba. I truly believe that from that place of humility people see Jesus in a whole new light in our lives, because it's no longer about us, AT ALL, but it's all about HIM! Ahhh so beautiful!
I'll be updating this daily so check back, I hope our testimonies build your faith and empower you to step out and bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth.
Your prayers are so appreciated! I pray that we access the very heart of God on this trip, that we don't just change other lives, but that we go back to America, literally changed ourselves!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I had this thought run through my mind the other day as I was thinking about someone; I journaled this:
"It's easy to bring truth where there is none, but Abba, how do you bring truth where there is distorted truth?"
I had this on my heart so deeply, because I want this person to know truth. But, you know what? I started thinking, if the Bible says "the truth shall set you free", then the answer is just that; truth.
Truth is truth. Even when it becomes distorted, truth stands and brings conviction and freedom. So if I bring that person just that, truth, then there whole mindset of truth distorted is gone and freedom comes. Woah. Jesus' freedom is phenomenal. I don't have to try to figure out the best answer, I just need to walk in truth, and my Abba will bring that answer and the heart change to people's distorted truth.
I was at a youth conference this past weekend where Todd White spoke, here are some awesome, profound, freedom giving quotes:
"The gospel sets you free, so then you're set free from everyone else."
"If you walk in fear of man, the love of God hasn't been perfected in you."
"I don't live for God, I live from God."
"The only closed Heaven is between our ears."
"If you don't start walking out the kingdom, the world will seem attractive to you."
"Be so Heavenly minded, that you're earthly incredible!"
"Seek righteousness with everything you are or your identity is for sale."
"Thankfulness disarms hell and being thankful is the breading ground for miracles."
Peace. Love. Joy.
"It's easy to bring truth where there is none, but Abba, how do you bring truth where there is distorted truth?"
I had this on my heart so deeply, because I want this person to know truth. But, you know what? I started thinking, if the Bible says "the truth shall set you free", then the answer is just that; truth.
Truth is truth. Even when it becomes distorted, truth stands and brings conviction and freedom. So if I bring that person just that, truth, then there whole mindset of truth distorted is gone and freedom comes. Woah. Jesus' freedom is phenomenal. I don't have to try to figure out the best answer, I just need to walk in truth, and my Abba will bring that answer and the heart change to people's distorted truth.
I was at a youth conference this past weekend where Todd White spoke, here are some awesome, profound, freedom giving quotes:
"The gospel sets you free, so then you're set free from everyone else."
"If you walk in fear of man, the love of God hasn't been perfected in you."
"I don't live for God, I live from God."
"The only closed Heaven is between our ears."
"If you don't start walking out the kingdom, the world will seem attractive to you."
"Be so Heavenly minded, that you're earthly incredible!"
"Seek righteousness with everything you are or your identity is for sale."
"Thankfulness disarms hell and being thankful is the breading ground for miracles."
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
John M. Perkins

I know, I know.
I've mentioned John Perkins only like two days ago.
BUT! Jon Foreman (who is rather brilliant) just wrote an article for the Huffington Post on the one and only Mr. Perkins. It was so genius I thought I would share :)
Some quotes:
"His (Perkins) story is living proof that love is louder than violence, louder than hatred, and louder than racism."
"Love looks into the future and sees possibilities that do not currently exist. Love is larger than the moment; love is larger than the present tense. Maybe it has to start with a dream, a dream of a better world."
"These audacious dreams of equality and liberty pull us forward. These hopes drive our lives with purpose and vision; our actions become us, and we become our actions. The only way to become a runner is by running. A disciple of love must begin by loving those around her. Every dream has to start somewhere."
"Love lays herself down for others. Love is willing to trade kindness for hate, acceptance for fear, and compassion for rage. Love refuses to recognize the walls between us, and chooses instead to find the commonalities. Love permits damage rather than damaging the other."
You can read the whole article here:
Peace. Love. Joy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Mademoiselle Chanel

Yes, you've got it, I already finished "The Gospel According to Chanel". I just could not for the life of me put it down. So much information on her life. Very interesting.
I am not going to give you some big essay about the book, I will say if you like fashion it's a good read. It takes her life; the things she went through and gives you tips on life.
There were so many amazing quotes throughout the whole book, I'll just leave you with a few to save you the time ;) haha
"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. (Chanel)"
"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn" (Gore Vidal)
Excerpt from one of her last interviews before dying, presented in the New Yorker:
"I must tell you something of significance. Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most important problem. is to rejuvenate women. To make women look young. Then their outlook on life changes. They feel more joyous. Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants. Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the strong, the wonderful. In truth, women are the strong ones. It is just my opinion. I am not a professor. I speak my opinions gently. It is the truth for me. I am not young, but I feel young. The day I feel old, I will go to bed and stay there. J'aime la vie! I feel that to live is a wonderful thing."
I got contacts the other day for the first time.
And, trust me my friends, I needed them.
My eyesight is not too hott at all.
When I got them in,(finally!), it was like a whole new world was opened up to me.
It was such a contradiction from what I had been seeing.
I could now see things so vivid and clear; things came to life for me.
It was crazy!
It got me thinking, that is how we should view the world through the eyes of our souls; with clarity! I think it comes from walking in purity and righteousness before our Abba! I feel like when we know Him on such a deep level that nothing compares, that literally the world is seen through new eyes and completely opens up to us in a way we never experienced before.
Anywho, just a random illustration.
Love y'all.
Peace. Love. Joy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Love is the final fight"
"Love is the final fight."
These are the words from a hero of mine, John M. Perkins.
A few months ago I finished his book, "Let Justice Roll Down."
It was so immensely powerful and insane at the same time.
I recommend it to anymore who is a lover of social justice and equality.
Here is a music video/song Switchfoot dedicated to this man. Enjoy!
"Love helps to make us generous and courageous, it opens our eyes not only to the beauty of the beloved but to all beauty." C.S. Lewis
In other news, today Caitlin and I went on a 5 mile walk.. it was intensely amazing. It started pouring down rain like half way through it. It was amazing! :)
Then, we came home and drank Wheat Grass Shots. Wheat Grass is like the whole earth combined in one. haha. Seriously, though, google it. It's intense stuff.
Wheat Grass Shots. Mmmmm :)
After a 5 mile, rain pouring, walk!
Peace. Love. Joy.
These are the words from a hero of mine, John M. Perkins.
A few months ago I finished his book, "Let Justice Roll Down."
It was so immensely powerful and insane at the same time.
I recommend it to anymore who is a lover of social justice and equality.
Here is a music video/song Switchfoot dedicated to this man. Enjoy!
"Love helps to make us generous and courageous, it opens our eyes not only to the beauty of the beloved but to all beauty." C.S. Lewis
In other news, today Caitlin and I went on a 5 mile walk.. it was intensely amazing. It started pouring down rain like half way through it. It was amazing! :)
Then, we came home and drank Wheat Grass Shots. Wheat Grass is like the whole earth combined in one. haha. Seriously, though, google it. It's intense stuff.

Wheat Grass Shots. Mmmmm :)

After a 5 mile, rain pouring, walk!
Peace. Love. Joy.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Chanellll :)

What happens when you've seen so much defilement, that it no longer has an affect on you anymore?
So, I went to the bookstore yesterday because I got these gift cards for graduation...and I came upon, "The Gospel According to Chanel". I am so excited to start reading it...Coco Chanel amazes me. Her whole concept wasn't about having the latest fad, but knowing who you are and what style you like and embracing it. Although, she is all about being classy for sure! lol :-)
Peace. Love. Joy.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I have such a heart for Hollywood,
I probably couldn't even explain to you the depths of my love for those people.
They have influence not just in the U.S. but literally all over the world.
When they encounter their Abba it's totally going to change everything.
I truly believe that.
Lately though I have been really asking God, "how do you influence such a lost, influential people?" As I was thinking this through a couple of days, I came to the conclusion that what I was praying for them, I needed to be living myself. I want them to be completely abandoned to the King, but if I am not my prayers mean nothing. I want them to be of the utmost purity and righteousness, but if I am not living that way myself, heck it's simply words.
Literally a day after journaling this very thought Bill Johnson tweeted:
"We aren't culturally relevant when we become like the world around us. We are relevant when we model what they long to become."
I want to be so desperate for Jesus, that from that place; extremely lost, influential people come to know who their Daddy is.
Peace. Love. Joy.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
"But oh, the agitated heart- Til someone find us really out."

"Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man." (Psalm 113)
[He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. "Is that not what it means to know me?",declares the Lord.] (Jeremiah 22:16)
"We make ourselves a place apart-
Behind light words that tease and flout,
But oh, the agitated heart-
Til someone find us really out."
(Robert Frost) that is something to really ponder.
"When passion dies, the lamp of perception is eventually removed."
Bill Johnson tweeted that this morning and it really,like most things he says, made me really think. It's profound in a simple
Inner ramblings today:
I don't want to be the one who points out the obvious problems. Rather, the one who has solutions for the problems.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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