Thursday, November 18, 2010

Creativity VS. Sophistication

Creativity VS. Sophistication.

These two have worlds of their own it seems...
and, I have to admit it daily frusturates me.

I know...I am crazy...
but, I love fashion, and I think it is an art of expressing oneself.
And, it is daily something that goes through this chaotic mind of mine.

Don't get me wrong, fashion in general is "creative" because you are "creating" something.

When I refer to the world of "creativity", I don't mean simply creating, I mean the creative world that is unique, has no boundaries, and risks...constantly.
It's this world where anything is possible....
new ideas, colors, patterns etc are the heartbeat.
There is indeed apart of my heart that very much likes this world...
for it is fun and adventurous and so full of life!
When I think of this world I think of the essence of really being "free" to express who you are.

Now, when I think of the world of "sophistication" I also get happy.
It's this world of glamour, and class.
It rings, "wealthy and prominent."
I love this world.
It makes me feel powerful and unstoppable.
As, if I could change the world!
It is this world of importance,
where people look to you, you could say...
if we were painting a picture.
Which I suppose I am. :)

For so long, these worlds have been completely separate,
if not complete opposites.
And, boy does it bother me.
I constantly think of unique ways to mix the two worlds,
because they are both amazing to me.

I wouldn't say I have figured it out yet.
At all.
It frusturates me, continuously.
Pathetic? Yes.
True? Even more so.

I am on the journey of learning to see the two worlds collide...
because, I think of they did it would create one, amazing, powerful, adventurous world for fashion where ideas could flow endlessly.

To seeing the two worlds collide....

Peace. Love. Joy.

Friday, November 5, 2010


The story of Joseph in the Bible is amazing.

I mean, think about it...
here is this guy, who mainly due to his own oblivion was sold into slavery by his very own brothers.
Can you imagine? I mean really, truly think about that scenario. Selling your very own family member? Insane.

Then he ends up being promoted to this place with Pharaoh, because he was able to interpret his dreams. He must have been so in tune with the Holy Spirit to speak revelation of those dreams.

So, then from that place he now is given strategy from Heaven on how to handle the famine that is going to happen. And, eventually, not only is he running Egypt, because Pharaoh has given him full reign....but the world ends up coming to him:

"When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt. And all the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the world." (Genesis 41:56-57)

This man, once simply a slave betrayed by his own family, is now promoted to this place of influence where he is able to bring the strategy of Heaven down to earth in such a manner that the world eventually comes to him for wisdom.

I think Joseph spent a lot of time with Abba. I think he truly knew His heart. And, I think because he chose to focus on the one thing that God promoted him to this world stage...because, He knew He could trust Joseph with the platform and with the wisdom.

Because, all Joseph ever wanted was to know Abba.

I want to be after His heart.
I want that to be all I am consumed with.
Because, I believe that from that place all else and MORE will come.

[I want Abba to trust me with His heart. To tell me His secrets.]

Peace. Love. Joy.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rise and Rise Again.....

"We can't repay our good luck with bad grace. It invites darkness." (Robin Hood)

That is one of my favorite lines from that movie, and I am not sure why yet....I will figure it out though.


I love creativity.
I love sophistication.
I want to merge the two worlds together.


"One of the primary ways that we reveal the risen Christ is when our lives display a conspicuous lack of fear and the strong presence of bold love." (Kris V)


"You have to put a demand on what you believe. It's not good enough just to believe it." (BJ)


"Only in humility can we begin to find the beauty in everything. Do you have the
barefaced wonder to drift outside the lines? If you dare, you could rise up to be
the shameless architect of the unknown, charting new ground that the critics will
never know. For the rest of the crowd, there's safety in numbers. But for you- you
and your brave soul, there are no guilty pleasures. Just pleasures." -Jon Foreman-


"Come my tan-faced children,
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,
Have you your pistols? have you your sharp-edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!" -- Walt Whitman

Peace. Love. Joy.


Have you ever stopped and wondered at its glorious complexity?
How do all these different instruments create these sounds?
And, how is it that there are so many sounds to be created?
It's as if the combinations never end.

It has the ability to move your spirit..your soul...and even your body.
It's the thing we run to in joy.
It's the thing we run to in sadness.
And, even when we are angry.

It's this haven of understanding...
as if all the instruments creating this one, unifying sound,
can identify with where we are at and what we are feeling.

It brings peace.
It brings relief.
It brings comfort.
It's emotion at it's best.

I don't know about you...
but boy am I happy God decided to bring music into our worlds.
And, more so that He let's us join with Him in creating sounds that have yet to be heard.
Sounds that will move hearts.
Sounds that will break through walls on the inside of us.
Sounds that will transform our very lives.

Peace. Love. Joy.