Relevance. What does it mean to you?
To me, being relevant has become something it is not.
We have turned relevance into trendiness.
There are so many in the church who try to be "relevant" to the culture, the world around them. But, in the pursuit of this relevance they bascially kill any and all revlevance.
See...Jesus is the essence really of the relevance we wish to relate to the world.
We try so hard, racking our brains with how we are going to manuver with every kind of person. We really end up losing truth in the midst of trying to be relevant. We end up being trendy. Our black and white turns to gray before we can even blink.
I have spent considerable amounts of time thinking about the best ways to reach people, how to act most like Jesus with so and so. But, it's stupid. The truth has always been and it remains. The truth is if you want to be relevant, love Jesus with every fiber in your being, gaze on Him constantly, have an obsessive love affair with Him; that will bring light, truth, and relevance to the culture around you.
Friends, don't try so hard to be relevant that you come to a place where you turn around and say, "where is God?"
Pursue His heart.
That to me, is relevance.
That to me is how Hollywood will get radically saved.
That to me is how the prostitute on the street will have a 360 life change and become one of the world's most ambitious, accomplished person.
That to me is how the world will truly see Jesus.
Peace. Love. Joy.